
And by a prudent flight and cunning save A life which valour could not, from the grave. A better buckler I can soon regain, But who can get another life again? Archilochus

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Paean to Enemies

WHEN through the nations stalks contagion wild,

We from them cautiously should steal away.

E'en I have oft with ling'ring and delay
Shunn'd many an influence, not to be defil'd.

And e'en though Amor oft my hours beguil'd,

At length with him preferr'd I not to play,

And so, too, with the wretched sons of clay,
When four and three-lined verses they compil'd.

But punishment pursues the scoffer straight,

As if by serpent-torch of furies led

From bill to vale, from land to sea to fly.

I hear the genie's laughter at my fate;

Yet do I find all power of thinking fled

In sonnet-rage and love's fierce ecstasy.
-Goethe (1807-8)


Always On Watch said...

WHEN through the nations stalks contagion wild,

We from them cautiously should steal away.

E'en I have oft with ling'ring and delay
Shunn'd many an influence, not to be defil'd.

Sounds like a condemnation of all the vitriolic politics -- particularly on this morning after the VP debate.

PS: Turtles rule! I have a particular fondness for tortoises, and they for me.

PPS: Have you seen these offerings? Mr. AOW and I plan to attend one of them. He may not enjoy himself, but I bought two tickets anyway. And, if Mr. AOW decides to go, we can go into town via MetroAccess.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Yes, I have lost my appetite for electioneering, and no, I had no idea that such a resource was available so close by. Thanks for sharing that! I've always been a big fan of the bard, and Emerson, who apparently inspired the founder to amass his collection.

Always On Watch said...

I thought you might be interested in the link.

Somehow, I got on the mailing list this year. I'm glad, for once, to be on a mailing list.