Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Divide et Impera!

"dividual"—a physically embodied human subject that is endlessly divisible and reducible to data representations via the modern technologies of control, like computer-based systems.
Richard Lindner, "Double Portrait" (1965)


  1. ______ A Femme Fatale Reformed _______

    Her comments were really quite ane,
    Though her morals were known to maculate.
    She was sipid and sidious and sane
    But mune to the comments quite draculate

    Which trilled that her conduct was peccable.
    She thought her behavior quite ferior
    But flagrante delicto is wreckable
    E'en to those who believe they are superior.

    For a time this domitable daughter
    Insisted on staying cognito
    Her hibitions flowed freely as water
    From Montauk to Sausoleto.

    The results of this all were too effable
    Her friends forgot she was ane
    They thought she was merely laughable
    Which caused her considerable pain.

    "Enough of this!" she said one night
    THe future still is evitable
    I haven't yet begun to fight
    To prove I'm not a vegetable

    So petuously did this dam-ned dame
    Set out in search of iquity
    To make her imical once again
    For righteous ubiquity

    Now that she's become dolent, they're dignant.
    She's just a dividual now,
    But free from the scarlet pigment
    That once stained her ferior brow.

    ~ FreeThinke (1963)

  2. Mr. Lidner, the artist, is very clever, but he certainly owes an awful lot to Picasso, doesn't he?

  3. I'm not a fan. I chose his work to illustrate this piece because it best illustrates the nature of the animated partial object... of man reduced to mere parts and a life reflective of that division.... and not of a sum greater than all of its' parts as may have been the case in ages past.

  4. ps - I love what you did to the neutered prefixes, above. :)
