Saturday, May 23, 2015

The Counting Begins...


  1. Ok, LOOOSERS (FJ and JC), get ready to LOOOOSE! Start coughing up! Fire poker the big fat L on yer foreheads!!

    I’m not planning to be graceful, humble or dignified in my victory, so mine’s a Chimay (all of them pictured!) ;-)

    Brilliant skit BTW, FJ: loved the lesbirn version of copulation! Flamin’ gheys…

  2. Going back to your "roots" for beer, Gert? ;)

    If you can get Irishmen to actually vote to be sodomized, you deserve a beer.

  3. From the reports, it looks like you've won our bet. I'm not conceeding until I see the numbers, but please be prepared to e-mail me a postal address of a friend where you can take delivery.

  4. Thank you, very gentleman like!

    Yes, back to my 'roots' but for beer only...

    Yay! Now I is turning Ghey wif joy, just like the Jebus people sed I wud!


    That rainbow over Dublin must be a sign Jesus voted Yes!

  5. JC = FJ. Should have guessed , you're the blogger with a million aliases.

    Next stop, US of A! Yay!

  6. Kind of sad FJ = JC, would have been kinda nice to beat two 'conservatives' at once. You're robbing me of a victory. Gore Bush all over again...

  7. BTW, no need to send stuff half way down the globe: cyber beer is cyber beer. Not tangible.

  8. Sorry to rob you of half a victory... I thought that you knew most of my alias'. :(

    But a real beer would probably taste pretty sweet... and I know that there are more than a few shops in the UK that "deliver", so if there's an address I can deliver some to, please send it to me (a friend's might do if you want to retain your anonymity). So please, a bet's a bet. It would be my pleasure to pay for my error in judgement.

  9. ...or if you'd prefer a $25 donation to be made to a favorite charity, give me its' name and I'll make the arrangements.

  10. can even make it to someone I'd normally find obnoxious.

  11. Alright then, it would be unbelgian to refuse an offer for free beer, so thanks! I kind of blog only half-anonymously and you can find my real name and physical address here, which is also my business address.

    One day I’ll figure out how all these aliases of yours fit together.

    ‘Farmer’ is the most proactive and nicest all over. JC seems to be the anti-neoliberal one. Speedy the ‘pro-hetero’ (but also ‘anti-homo’, so a useless rear-guard fight). And then there’s Thersites, Ins. AIpac and Mrs Grundy. The latter I might even occasionally ‘borrow’ myself.

  12. It'll be coming from

    Your estimated delivery date is:
    Wednesday, May 27, 2015 -
    Friday, May 29, 2015

    Your delivery option:
    Express Delivery

    Your Orders
    Your order will be sent to:
    Gert Meyers
    13 Oxford Street
    United Kingdom

    Order Details
    Order #202-1367656-5561928

    If you don't get it by the 30th, please let me know and I'll hound them a bit.

    Enjoy. And Congratulations again.

  13. ps - And actually "Speedy" is my Venezuelan opposition supporter. Titan is my homophobic gay basher. ;)

  14. Ok, I'll be looking out for it. Ta again! :-)

  15. That's Deepshit Chopra for ya. Could sell sand to the Arabs, ice to the Inuit. Will sell his Gran for a fiver.

    A REAL achiever, wouldn't you say? ;-)

  16. ...or at least a recognition of the inexplicable 'surplus' missing from the practice of 'pure' science.

  17. 'Es just a little grumpy tonite.

  18. Three bottles of Chimay, plus appropriate serving glass arrived right on schedule this morning. Yay! They will be savoured with care. Thanks again!

  19. The pleasure is mine. Op uw gezonheid! (Hope that's right!)

  20. Almost spot on: 'gezon[b]d[/b]heid'.

    Wow, big FIFA scandal. Finally! What took them so long? ;-)

  21. Evidently FIFA/Qatar didn't spend enough with the Clinton Foundation. THAT'll teach 'em! :)

  22. It's wasn't about the law, it was about voters Feeling good about themselves!

    Results of the law be damned.

  23. Nice job by the FBI though. Kudos.

  24. Some precedent for future donations to the Obama Presidential Library simply MUST be set...!

  25. Evidence? The corruption of our DOJ is complete. Being a "Republican" in America has become a criminal act.

    The Democrats via Sharpton/Jackson have been shaking down corporations for donations for years. That it is now going "global" should come as a surprise to no one.

  26. Denny Hastert did a Big Bad

    That FIFA WASN'T probed properly earlier by European 'DOJs' is the real mystery.

  27. That FIFA WASN'T probed properly earlier by European 'DOJs' is the real mystery.

    Which European country doesn't want to host the World Cup? There's no 'mystery' at all.

    ...and the statute of limitations expired on Denny Hastert 40 years ago. Sure, the victim could still sue. But he already got his millions (no sympathetic jury pool), so what would be the point OTHER than outting Hastert as a perv (which is what the DOJ has taken upon itself to do... ruining the chance of the victim to keep collecting his extortion $) In other words, this is pure politics. "Justice" is merely the pretext.

  28. Politics is politics, Farmer. Would 'your side' pass up such a chance?

    Every time one of these 'Family Values(TM)' people trip up, the opposition has a field day. Business as usual.

  29. Which European country doesn't want to host the World Cup? There's no 'mystery' at all.

    'We [UK] wos robbed, I tell thee!'

  30. Would 'your side' pass up such a chance?

    We didn't prosecute WJC after the Starr Report. Democrats are just vindictively mean.

  31. We didn't prosecute WJC after the Starr Report. Democrats are just vindictively mean.

    What would you have prosecuted him for: an extramarital blowjob? LOL

  32. For lying, under OATH, to the Court. Just as Hastert's "crime" was "lying" (not under oath) to the FBI over the reasons he was withdrawing money from his personal bank account.

  33. After he had been acquitted that would have been hopeless, no? US law depends heavily on legal precedents.

  34. ...and an Impeachment tries the office, a Court of Law, the Man. The Office gained an acquittal, as the House voted "guilty" and the Senate fell short of the 2/3 majority needed for removal of the man from the office. In other words, the only peril Impeachment brought to WJC was to his continuance in office.

    Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.

    More on Impeachment in the United States.
