Monday, June 8, 2015

On Loving Imperfection and SuperEgo Tributes

A Mother's Appeal to the Inner Child of SuperEgo


  1. How MLM demonstrates increasing desperation of US lower-middle classes.

    If there was any justice (or even logic) the world of ‘MLM’ should have ceased to exist a long time ago, due to its very poor wealth delivery rates. Instead a small group of ‘scammers’ (not necessarily in the legal sense) push this ‘cyber rags to riches’ phantom more than ever before.

  2. I agree with the author, that its' 'cause' is a squeezed Middle Class whom Corporate "America" (or "Europe" if you prefer) has abandoned for cheaper off-shore labour sources. We are reliving England's Nineteenth century Melville's "Paradise of the Bachelor's/ Tartarus of the Maids".

    Didn't Adam Smith teach us ANYTHING about the peril's of mercantilism?

  3. I think he did, actually.

    Poor Zizek's video has an advert for a UK dating agency on it, BTW. Let's hope the fans click like mad and it costs them a small fortune! "Where did our clicks go, Google!" "Well, erm, we're not sure but we can't find any click fraud (and no, you're not getting your money back, all ours, 'fair 'n square')"



    A cause and no curve,
    a cause and loud enough,
    a cause and extra a loud clash
    and an extra wagon,
    a sign of extra,
    a sac a small sac
    and an established color and cunning,
    a slender grey and no ribbon,
    this means a loss a great loss a restitution.

    ~ Gertrude Stein - rom Tender Buttons
