Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Les Mots et Les Choses

Aids to interpretation: 1, 2, 3, 4


  1. Wonderful production.

    Here's another inerpretational aid (endorsed by Heliophant).

  2. Why feature so much material exhibiting grotesque, disquieting, depressing, dystopian phantasmagoria?

    Anyone with a modicum of good common sense realizes what we have done to ourselves by accepting, then espousing a frankly depraved popular culture that is Satanic, anti-Christian, anti-Common Sense and anti-Basic Decency.

    By worshipping Ugliness, Degeneracy and Despair we have transformed ourselves into a nihilistic Culture of Negation and Defeatism.

    Presentations of this kind only serve to promote and enhance the idea that we are mired in Hopelessness.

    This doubtless sounds naive to the many who worship Negativity, but I truly believe that we ARE what wee BELIEVE we are.

    With that in mind I can't help but feel we are far better off focusing our attention, and our energies on The Golden Rule and all that logically stems from it than giving way to frankly Satanic fantasies that cannot elevate, do not heal, give no encouragement or cheer, but only underscore the EVIL notion that we have no power to alleviate our pains or rescue ourselves from our plight no matter what we do, so we might as well follow the paths of least resistance, let ourselves fall down in the offal, swim in the cesspools, and fornicate our way to Perdition in a drugged, mentally comatose condition.

  3. Vice is a creature of such fearful mien
    Ass to be hated needs to be seen,
    Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face,
    Frist we endure, then pity, then embrace.

    ~ Alexander Pope

    Neatly sums up what I've tried to say above, doesn't it?

  4. I love attempting to interpret symbols, FT. Perhaps you might interpret this phrase from the preface to "The Order of Things" by Michael Foucault:

    This book first arose out of a passage in Borges, out of the laughter that shattered, as I read the passage, all the familiar landmarks of my thought - our thought, the thought that bears the stamp of our age and our geography - breaking up all the ordered surfaces and all the planes with which we are accustomed to tame the wild profusion of existing things, and continuing long afterwards to disturb and threaten with collapse our age-old distinction between the Same and the Other. This passage quotes a ‘certain Chinese encyclopedia’ in which it is written that ‘animals are divided into:

    (a) belonging to the Emperor,
    (b) embalmed,
    (c) tame,
    (d) sucking pigs,
    (e) sirens,
    (f) fabulous,
    (g) stray dogs,
    (h) included in the present classification,
    (i) frenzied,
    (j) innumerable,
    (k) drawn with a very fine camelhair brush,
    (1) et cetera,
    (m) having just broken the water pitcher,
    (n) that from a long way off look like flies’.

    In the wonderment of this taxonomy, the thing we apprehend in one great leap, the thing that, by means of the fable, is demonstrated as the exotic charm of another system of thought, is the limitation of our own, the stark impossibility of thinking that.

  5. "The author is the ideological figure by which one marks the manner in which we fear the proliferation of meaning"

    - Michael Foucault, "What is an Author?" (1979)

  6. ____ IT HAS BEEN EVER THUS ____

    The nature of Establishment protects
    Itself from upstarts seeking sweeping change.
    A groundswell of rebellion projects
    A threat to those whose dully narrow range

    Will seek to serve itself with instincts feral
    Concerned with naught but selfish interests bared
    Caring not that Principle’s in peril
    By selfish drones and not by those who’ve dared

    To challenge each smug wasted senile oaf
    Who’s long outlived his usefulness yet clings
    To power as ‘twere a Divine Right to loaf
    Thwarting those who hope that Freedom rings

    Again to rouse the blighted land
    ‘Gainst tyranny once more to raise its hand.

    ~ FreeThinke

    Truth is never subject to trends and fashion, thus Truth could never be outmoded.

  7. How fondly I remember
    ––– the days when mothers cared
    And tried till the last ember
    ___ died to teach that what we dared
    To say in gleeful wild defiance
    ___ was unworthy and insulting
    A bane to self-reliance
    ___ 'cause old Nick we were consulting.

    Today, as though besotted
    ___ by an ancient witch's potion
    Our mothers mores rotted
    __ to Old Nick they've pledged devotion
    And children free to shout and curse
    ___ and freely masturbate
    Live lives immeasurably worse
    ___ for being profligate.

    ~ FreeThinke

    Beware the iconoclasts who seek to make us disbelieve what we have striven long to understand. Deconstruction is nothing more than another word for Destruction.

  8. The secret to combatting ADD
Lies in taking one thing you think great
Into splendid isolation where no sounds

    Or sights assault the senses with distractions
Concentrate on learning to ignore

    Stray thoughts and wayward influences crude
Self-discipline becomes its own reward
Examine only one thing at a time

    Pop Culture we must come to recognize

    As the enemy of Reason and good work.

    Learn to cherish silence so you can

    Listen to your heart and see within.

    Monasticism may seem too austere,

    But retreating from the world pays dividends

    It deepens your perceptions as it hones
Improvement in your character and views,

    And aids in helping you learn to eschew
The tawdriness that saps your strength, and then

    Impoverishes every part of you.

    ~! FreeThinke

  9. I love attempting to interpret symbols, FT.

    The clip is like a beautiful, fuzzy rebus. Hard to see how anyone cannot be moved by it, at some level...

    FT fails to see it actually has a really positive message ('Man's Summer following a dreadful Winter').

    Unfortunately while the existence of 'Sorcerers' (Drako) can't be denied, Man's internal division won't allow us to destroy them one and for all. :(

  10. I think that FT doesn't like the mixed symbolism Christian/Moslem/Egyptian, et al. It's like Plato's Euthyphro... on the nature of the sacred. Mixing the sacred and profane is definitely frowned upon... but the question remains... why is a partcular symbol sacred?

  11. why is a partcular symbol sacred?

    In some case that's quite easy to answer. Take 'soil' (as in 'country', 'homeland' etc) e.g. Seen as something hugely important (a provider of many bare essentials, something we cannot live without) it became sacralised, even in non-religious ideologies. And with it assorted symbols like the flag and the anthem.

  12. To a nationalist, like myself, I'm sure that you are correct. But to a Christian, like FT, I'm not as sure. My reference to the Euthyphro was to perhaps draw a more "theological" distinction...

    Soc. We shall know better, my good friend, in a little while. The point which I should first wish to understand is whether the pious or holy is beloved by the gods because it is holy, or holy because it is beloved of the gods.

    So if we were to discuss the Christian cross, is it sacred as a symbol because it is holy in itself (intrinsically), or because it is beloved by G_d? Somehow, I don't think that the cross was Beloved by G_d... more, it is beloved by us as a symbol of His Sacrifice... not because of any intrinsic holy content. In other words, I believe that the Word (in the Bible) may be Holy, but the" words" (symbols) are not.

    Anyways, that's the gist of where I was headed.

  13. ...and so, when you combine all the symbols together again, in the "order" in which they, like words, are presented, are they Holy again, or not? or would they be "impious/hated" by G_d? It's a question that I can't exactly answer... but perhaps might form an "opinion".

  14. ... and perhaps have a discussion with my parapsychology friend, Steve. ;)

  15. The Bhaghavad Gita didn't make sense to me until it was "framed" into psychoanalysis by Aldous Huxley ;)

  16. ________ A Backward Glance ________

    I gaze now in perpetual wonderment, grief
    And sorrow at the jagged, rotting stump 

    Of the once-vital, arcing grandeur

    Of the dear and familiar tree
    That gave me shade and comfort,
While all around me weeds, thorns 

    Strange, stunted saplings, and bitter fruit
Litter the parched stony soil

    Beneath a pitiless, gray wintery sky.

    ~ FreeThinke
