Friday, June 9, 2017

Britain Hugs Lenin


  1. Now all you need is for your favourite arsehole - FT - to make a 'Kike/Jooooish' connection. ;-)

    Very much on the plus side of this election is the simple fact that UKIP didn't manage to secure a single seat!

    Where do we go with 'Brexit' is now rather unclear...

  2. I DESPISE this loud, foul-mouthed vulgarian, but unlike Teresa May he is at least DYNAMIC.

    }}}}}}}}}}}}}}} SHUDDEZR {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{

    Madam May is too damned TEPID –– like American Republicans –– like Mr. Low-Energy, himself, JEB BUSH.

    That said, vulgarians are only one shallow step above BARBARIANS.

  3. It could be no accident that GERT rhymes so pefectly with DIRT, could it?

    GERTIE, baby, you are very very DIRTY, indeed, incrediby NASTY and CHILDISH too, and like all pieces of leftist Euro-trash you are utterly devoid of wit, style, grace or humor, –– and you are more than a bit of a fool as well.

    If I were you, I'd slit my throat from ear to ear , and have done with it. Your sheeny ass is not fit to live, you miserable sack of shit.

  4. As always you show the political insight of a boiled potato. Please show me one example of Corbyn's "loudness or foul-mouthedness", just one.

    It's also rather rich for you to accuse anyone that way, in light of the comment sections you frequent and "contribute" to (see e.g. Lisa's Cesspit)

  5. Farmer, my friend, please FLUSH YOUR TOILET.

    It stinks to high heaven .

  6. OK. So FT is the guy who complains of someone else's "loudness or foul-mouthedness".

    Dear me...

  7. Your friend Dirty Gertie, doesn't even have the sense to realize I was addressing the baseborn creature in the video –– NOT Mr. Corbyn.

  8. Gert
    I'm sorry i'm such a nasty old bastard. all this hate inside me sometimes just bubbles to the surface bafore I can even think clearly. Forgive this foolish old pea brain

  9. I'm being COUNTERFEITED by a TROLL, FJ.

    Please take note. What you choose to DO about it HAS to be your affair, unfortunately, but I would never put up with it for a nanosecond at MY place.

  10. I DESPISE this loud, foul-mouthed, baseborn vulgarian (in the video), but unlike Teresa May he is at least DYNAMIC.

    }}}}}}}}}}}}}}} SHUDDER {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{

    Madam May is too damned TEPID –– like American Republicans –– like Mr. Low-Energy, himself, JEB BUSH.

    That said, vulgarians are only one shallow step above BARBARIANS.

  11. I don't care to worry about censoring my blog, FT. And so long as there are no "direct" impersonations of other bloggers, mock away. But if I do detect or am notified of "direct" 1-1 avatar/name impersonations, I will delete them.

  12. ...because direct impersonations are, IMO, "bad form" unless used in a "retaliatory" fashion.

  13. I think stealing anyone's avatar –– even from a creepy son-of-a-bitch like Dirty Gertie –– in order to mislead others or mischaracterize, and make a mockery of the victim of said avatar theft is ignoble, Thersites, and worthy of expulsion.

    However, I readiy admit my gleeful baiting of, and unrestrained scorn for the execrable Belgian-Internationalist "Gert" is hardly a model of exemplary moral character and good taste. ];^}>

    I can only say in my defense –– and I believe you have known this about me for a long time, Thersites, –– I never stoop to making personal attacks, unless I've been sorely provoked by one of myriad Cyber Bullies and Lunatic Paranoiacs always spoiling for a fight of which your unsavory pal Dirty Gertie, the Belgian Bastard, is certainly one of THE most offensive and reprehensible examples.

  14. To borrow a bit from the fabled feud between Nancy Langhorne and Winston Churchill:

    GERT: If I ever had to wirk with you in the same office, FT, I'd give you POISON.

    FT: If that impossible situation were ever forced on me, GERTIE old dear, I'd TAKE it –– GLADLY.


  15. I know yu are anything but stupid, Farmer, but please notice that my impostor uses MY avatar, albeit on a stunted scale, and calls itself FreeSThinke –– note the S, please.

    I do love making enemies. I take as a Sign that my persona and my phraseology must have real power.

    "A man is best known by the enemies he keeps."

    Who said that?

  16. I noticed the difference, FT. It's what prompted my digression into "unacceptable" v. "acceptable" (to me) uses.

    Love your enemies because they bring out the best in you. - Nietzsche

    How good music and bad reasons sound when one marches against an enemy. - Nietzsche

    If you have an enemy, do not requite him evil with good, for that would put him to shame. Rather prove that he did you some good. - Nietzsche

    You should seek your enemy, you should wage your war - a war for your opinions. And when your opinion is defeatedy our honesty should still cry triumph over that! - Nietzsche

    The man of knowledge must be able not only to love his enemies but also to hate his friends. - Nietzsche

    ...and one last one, do mr. ducky... To learn from our enemies is the best pathway to loving them: for it makes us grateful to them. - Nietzsche

  17. ps - Be careful who you choose as your enemy because that's who you become most like. - Nietzsche

  18. Possibly that last may be true, Joe, but I have never –– not even once in my now-long life –– ever SOUGHT or CHOSEN to find or make an enemy of ANYONE.

    Unfortunately, antagogonists have always done the choosing by attacking me without warrant, provocation or foundation –– possibly because I stand out in a crowd –– but more likely because they are natural-born perverts who can think of no better way to get teir jollies than tryng to disrupt the lives of innocent bystanders.

    That's likely the reason these types usually have great empathy for Crooks, Social Misfits, Gangsters, Violent Thugs, Drag Queens, Transexuals, Rage-Addicted Losers, Despised Minorities, the Insane and most of all ––– the MOSLEMS.

    It may also be the reason for their relentless hostility toward the rich, highborn, well-bred, well-spoken, successful high achievers in Business, and the Fine Arts.

    God only knows, and frankly don't give a damn.

  19. Possibly that last may be true, Joe, but I have never –– not even once in my now-long life –– ever SOUGHT or CHOSEN to find or make an enemy of ANYONE.

    THAT's a shame... ;)
