Monday, May 27, 2019

We Need the Naive Fool and Know-Nothing's Gaze...

We Need a Modern Day Children's Crusade....e-r-r-r-r-r-r!


  1. I think what e REALLY ned s for Zizek to SHUT UP.

    Charming charlatans are a grave danger to the mormatiin of yung mnds.

    Usually Old Fools are beyond redemption, but we must at least TRY to salvage some semblance of political sanity for our young people to adopt if they are to be able to save themselves from a life of Penal Servitude on a rapidly developing Prison Planet..

    Sadly Common Sense rarely has the allure of babbling farceurs promotng leftist bromides in new disguises.

  2. I agree with you wholeheartedly on this.

  3. Agreemnt is all too rare, even between friends.

    But hasn't it been ever thus?


  4. I'm not sure that VARIEtY should be called "the spice of life" anymore.

    I'm more inclined these to think that distinction ore properly belongs to DISPUTE.

  5. By the way the Stained Glass Window is STUNNING.

    If it weren't for Art, life would not be worth living.

    "Kissin' don't last; cookin' do," as the Pennsylvania Dutch are reported o have have said.

    YES, but

    In the long run ART is all that will be remembered of ANY past Society or Civilization.

    Everything else is petty, paltry, and nugatory in comparison –– even your children and your love life.


  6. It's from the Armstrong Browning Library in Waco, Texas

  7. muhammad solehuddinJanuary 7, 2023 at 5:40 AM

    nice info!! can't wait to your next post!
    from Kampus Muhammadiyah
