Saturday, May 25, 2019

...Our Governor's Doth Push Back


  1. More diablically clever Sophistry an Guile dreamt up and perpetrated by LEFTIST forces who seek always to UNDERMINE and DESTROY us.

  2. Unless and until it becomes vitally necessary to foment a bloody REVOLUTION, it well behooves us to support our OWN side, just as family members who love one anther do everything possible to protect and defend family members from nefarious –– or even merely "suspicious" –– Outside Influences.

    "My Country Right Or Wrong" is NOT a bad motto, UNLESS of of course your country has been taken over by The Fores of Darkness who are aways at work everywher trying to do away with anything and everything right, good, true, wholesome, decent, propersous and salubrious.

  3. I hope everyone who sees this video will understand that this apparently earnest, sober, sincere, clean-cut-looking young man would have SUPPORTED the likes of Emma Goldman, Saul Alinsky, Rosa Luxembourg, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Alger Hiss, Abby Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, Daniel Ellsberg, et al. as vigorously as he CONDEMNS President Trump.

    All his rhetoric about that poor old, well-meaning fool Eugene Debs, and the TRULY evil proponents of the vicious, anti-American MARXIAN Agenda who followed was nothing but a "smoke screen" to mask the TRUE purpose of his softspoken little diatribe, which is to HARM President Donald J. Trump. His obvious partiality towards the xecrbl Daniel Ellsberg with a nasty swipe at Richard Nixon along the way ave his profound, anti-American bias away.

  4. Sorry, I disagree.

    I appreciate the true whistleblowers like Snowden, who show just how corrupt our Government has gotten. It's the partisan "leakers" that I can't stomach.


    I can't quite make up my mind about Assange. I don't lile his looks. Something slimy and VERY creepy there!

    Ellsberg should have been SHOT. PERIOD!

  6. The Intercept is better than the NY Times. All they print there are leaks. The Intercept is whistleblowing... it's exposing the extent to which the government is corrupt.

    As for Ellsberg, you have to admit, the Pentagon Papers were half-leak/ half whistleblowing. I despise that it helped the Commies, but I also despise the fact that so much about the extent of the war west of Laos was kept hidden from public view. And Cambodia ended up paying the price.

  7. I see your point, BUT

    "Even when the Left is Right, it is still Wrong."


    The NYT is, –– as my father said way back in the mid-nineteen-forties ––, "a SHITTY COMMUNIST RAG."

    So, I assure you, is The Intercept.

    Couldn't you SEE that the PRIMARY MOTIVE of the subtly snide, quasi-ernest little video you shared was to DISCREDIT and UNDERMINE PRESIDENT TRUMP?

  8. It took lots of good swipes at Obama as well.

    The point was to discredit the Deep State IC establishment. And for that, I heartily thank him.

  9. ....that's how you can tell a "leak" from a "whistle." A leak makes one party out as the good/bad guy. A whistle makes them BOTH look like sh*t!

  10. Barr is preparing to leak about patriotic members of the FBI who attempted to stop a colluder from stealing the presidency with the help of Russians. Barr's leaking will falsely portray them as "Deep staters" who participated in a "failed coup".

  11. Grow the f' up, Dervy! The National Security State is over!

  12. Who the f' said I am a fan of the National Security State?! I'm not. You need to wake the f' up. tRump is ONLY interested in pushing his false "spygate" narrative and NOT dismantling the national security state (brought to us largely by gwb). He reauthorized the legislation. Yet you think it is "over"? LOL!

  13. It will be when the big reveal happens, and all your Obama friends get locked up. :)

  14. Ha ha ha ha. That's funny. Even IF your fantasy comes to pass, the National Security State will likely continue. Bernie Sanders as president would try and roll some of this stuff back. tRump is NOT going to do it. This "big reveal", if it happens, will be (as I said previously) a selective release of classified material engineered to support tRump and Barr's "spygate" false narrative.

  15. Sounds like the Mueller report...."selective release of classified material engineered to support" a predetermined conclusion.

  16. I agree. The predetermined conclusion being that tRump (despite colluding and obstructing) can't be indicted. Mueller failed the American people.

  17. By quitting DOJ, Robert Mueller, the Deep State Hero, now refuses to allow the spotlight of Justice to focus on him. Talk about "obstruction!"

  18. Too bad there isn't a real "deep state" that could have stopped the tRump/Russia coup. I'd have been ok with them doing whatever was necessary (even if not technically legal) to prevent Putin from installing his puppet.

  19. That's what was done douchebag. Brennan decided to become "interim" President.

  20. Sure. If the FBI wanted to stop tRump they could have done so easily. All they needed to do was leak that the tRump campaign was under investigation re their Russian contacts. And stay quiet the HRC email investigation. Instead they did the opposite. PROOF your "deep state coup" is complete nonsense. A private citizen versus the FBI and the FBI lost??? And tRump didn't even do anything, as it was AFTER the election he found he was "spied" on. The FBI must be some kind of Keystone cop organization in this fictional scenario. And Brennan ever becoming "interim" President was a complete impossibility. He wasn't in the line of succession.

  21. ...starring James Comey as the infallible FBI Director.

  22. Quickly, follow the unknown
    With something more familiar
    Quickly, something familiar.

    Courage, my word
    Didn't come, it doesn't matter.
