Friday, October 18, 2019

The Emergent Post-Modernists


  1. Filthy FRANKFURTERS both of them,. A HIDEOUS influence highly destructive of the West.

    Despicable! Why not BURY them and do your best to FORGET they ever existed?

    I turned my back on the Left more than sixty years ago, and have never seen any reason to reassess my adamant position.

    YUP! I'm a BIGOT –– in the classic sense of the word. And PROUD of it too!

    As my dear friend Bitch Cassidy from FPM famusly said twenty years,"Honey, I don't need to eat a pound of shit to know it don't taste good.

    God love you, Bitch! You my well be the only woman I've ever truly loved.

  2. Philosophy is ruined by "academics" whose "practice" is far, far away from the consequences of real life.
