Saturday, June 20, 2020

Epic Musicality

When I was young, I loved listening to Renaissance. Any similarities are purely coincidental...
I was so in love with Annie Haslam's voice...
The classical inspirations for the group were many...
...but Why "pop" music did NOT turn in this "progressive" direction never ceases to confound me. But I'm sure much of it had to do with song length, and the need for a short-song format with which to intersperse commercials. :(


  1. I like your group RENAISSANCE. High energy, interesting modal melodies and attractive harmonies. A bit too much OSTINATO on the Trip To The Fair, but the effect after a while becomes hypnotic and pleaantly diverting.

    I hear ehoes of Stephen Sondheim in Renaissance. I wonder; did HE influence THEM or was it the other way 'round?

    As to why popular music didn't move more in this direction (PLEASE don't call it "PROGRESSIVE" because that is now a dirty word!) I have two thoughts and they both have to do with Cultural Marxism's dismal and degrading influence on the West:

    1. Most people have a shorter attention span than that of a gnat –– thanks to the DUMBING DOWN PROCESS we endured for about sixty years.

    2. The RENAISSANCE Sound is probably too brainy, too sophisticated, too complex and too closely related to the more traditional culture of Western Civilization for the powers that be.

    That means the Communist-Globalist moguls who control the airwaves, the advertising industry, the movies, and what's left of print media would want to soft pedal such an influence, because it doesn't aid their ANTI-NDIVIDUAL, anti MIDDLE CLASS, anti-CAPITALIST, anti-CHRISTIAN , anti-WEALTH AGNDA.

    Beethoven & CO. would be much more popular IF classical music –– the epitome and apex of INDIVIDUAL expression at its best –– were not diametrically opposed to the schemes of the evil Cultural Marxists who took over our world by STEALTH long ago and now work ceaselessly "to fundamentally transform" it into a COMMUNIST "Peoples' Republik."

    }}}}}}}}}}}}} SHUDDER {{{{{{{{{{{{{

  2. That pianist at the top isn't bad, but he's hardly an exemplar of anything the least bit "PROGRESSIVE." In fact he displays all the earmarks of a committed REACTIONARY.

    Has a good set of flexible, flying fingers, though. Gotta hand him that.

  3. I like him. But then I'm a bit of a reactionary myself. My only hope is that he keeps producing these wonderful performances for the public's enjoyment. They are quite soul elevating...

  4. I think it's wonderful when we can find something to praise and feel good about. That's all too rare in this debunking age.

    I have become a great believer in The Power of Positive Thinking, even though I never really took to Norman Vincnt Peale bk in the good odl days. I might think differently of him today if he were still here.

  5. Exhortions to virtue... nothing wrong with those.
