Friday, January 20, 2023

On the Offers (Promises) of Politicians...

Slavoj Žižek, "Man's Mind Is Such a Adamant Gentleman: The Excuse Is the Excuse/Occasion Dilemma" (Google Translated from Turkish)
In the British working-class film Brassed Off, our heroine walks a lovely young lady off at her home. When he arrives at the door, the woman invites the man to her house for coffee. The man replied:
"Well, I don't drink coffee!

Smiling at the lovely young lady, she says: "Well, I don't have coffee anyway, don't worry...
The erotic power of this answer lies in the fact that it is the negation of denial [or denial of denial?]: the woman who does not need to mention the name of lovemaking makes a shamefully straight sexual offer: by first inviting the man home for coffee and then confessing that he is not having coffee, he clarifies that the invitation to coffee is an excuse, that is, it has no autonomous meaning [1].

If we translate the same logic to the political level, we can assume that the ABE, which prepared for the invasion of Iraq in the last months of 2002, established a dialogue with Europe as follows:
— We are conducting an operation in Iraq to find weapons of mass destruction, would you join us?! (ABE)

— But we don't have the devices to search for Weapons of Mass Destruction!? (Europe)

— Well, there is no Weapon of Mass Destruction in Iraq anyway, don't worry... (Rumsfeld)
In fact, isn't this the most general formula for humanitarian interventions?
— Let's intervene in country X to carry humanitarian aid and alleviate deep suffering!

— Well, our intervention will bring more suffering and death!

— Well, we'll find an excuse to multiply the intervention, don't worry...
(Less Than Nothing)

[1] ç.n. Excuse is the dilemma of excuse/occasion. In the scene of the invitation to coffee, the man is a miner, a woman is a privatization worker: if the sexual offer made by the woman to the man comes from a neoliberal/neofeudal place, it is at best an excuse to become nothing, if not, maybe it can be an occasion for something.

In order to exist, the woman assumed the tensifying ambivalence of the excuse/occasion dilemma in the excuse and disguised herself as an 'unchangeable banknote' (or disguised as an uninterpretable symptom: the first if she excuses, the second if she is the occasion).

The ambiguous innuendo in the film is not without reason, either, but depends on the English homophony of 'coffee=cough-fee': "Sacrifice to Dead Presidents: Öhö Öhö Öhö Şahsın Ya!"

The situation in Turkish is different, coffee 'Kaf and...' It can be read:
"Come, for now, let's pick strawberries from Mount Kaf together, and then maybe we'll do something else.
See "Quatrain", "Anna Fğoyd, strawberry, mountain strawberryiii!" Sigmund Freud, "Strawberry Fields Endless Surface" The Beatles, "The Fanciently Emotional Birth of Busy Pecent Desire Witnessing the Occupation of Eating Mountain Strawberries with Appetite" Slavoj Žižek "What is Artisan-Style PreoccupationPesent Historiography?"

Turkish: Işık Barış Fidaner



  1. First. Google Translate is far from perfect.

    Then, main part.

    Do you (and/or Zizek) like Commies/Nazis ways more???

    Ohh, I know, I know. Izolationism! Let all people stay in their places FOREVER.

    Know what? There'd be NO you in that case. ;-P

  2. No. I don't like them. I, as Ye recently stated, LOVE them (as in Bible's "Love thy neighbor"), so long as they abide by the dictates of western civilization as described Here. Today, even America is straying from them.

  3. There some terminological languistical problems. AFAIS.

    I said "Commie/Nazi ways". Means massacres, genocides wars...

    Do you LOVE wars??? I doubt it.

    About situation described in text.

    Well, I said it before -- economy is about negotiation wih fungible valuse.
    While politics -- with unfingible.

    I am not Zizek. But I have my own example to use here. ;-P

    From some cartoon. ;-P

    Situation there was: some village of some gnomes(?),
    who trying to decide how and where to build a playground for their kids.
    And decided to chose through rope-pulling contests (reminds something?)
    By splitting in two commands in accordance with said preferences -- to make it here or there, to build it of stone or wood, or something.
    But... problem arised. Teams was even each time. And no decision made.

    Then, one sneaky gnome stepped out and said: Let's split in teams "who love children and will make anything for them" and "those who not".

    How'd you name that sneaker? ;-)

  4. /There some terminological languistical problems. AFAIS.
    I said "Commie/Nazi ways". Means massacres, genocides wars...
    Do you LOVE wars??? I doubt it.

    No, I don't. The text described what I require of "other" nations, and massacres and genocides aren't on it.

    As for Russia/Ukraine... there were faults on BOTH sides, and ultimately the Russians were, IMO, operating in "good faith". It was us who weren't. We had no intentions of living up to the Minsk agreements. And this war is a direct result.

    /About situation described in text.
    Well, I said it before -- economy is about negotiation wih fungible valuse.
    While politics -- with unfingible.

    ...I'd say with politics, BOTH.

    /I am not Zizek. But I have my own example to use here. ;-P
    From some cartoon. ;-P
    Situation there was: some village of some gnomes(?),
    who trying to decide how and where to build a playground for their kids.
    And decided to chose through rope-pulling contests (reminds something?)
    By splitting in two commands in accordance with said preferences -- to make it here or there, to build it of stone or wood, or something.
    But... problem arised. Teams was even each time. And no decision made.
    Then, one sneaky gnome stepped out and said: Let's split in teams "who love children and will make anything for them" and "those who not".
    How'd you name that sneaker? ;-)


    But then again, here's my point (in bold) from the text...

  5. \\As for Russia/Ukraine... there were faults on BOTH sides

    Just like in case of rape. "She was wearing clothes... which are too enticing. And behaved like slut... in my eyes". ;-P

    \\and ultimately the Russians were, IMO, operating in "good faith"

    That's an illusion, formed in your mind by Russian Propaganda.

    Illusion you could disspell with getting knowing some facts.

    But you... don't care.

    And so do I.

    \\We had no intentions of living up to the Minsk agreements.

    FIRST and most important punckt in that agreements was -- chease fire.

    How do you think, does Russia adheared to it? Or showed inclination to do so, for the veriest leastest???

    \\And this war is a direct result.

    1) You are not european.

    2) That is result of Putin's dream to remake Russia by Nazi's standards.

    \\...I'd say with politics, BOTH.



    That's it. ;-)

    \\But then again, here's my point (in bold) from the text...

    Well, you know my amswer to that question already -- freedom through technology. ;-)

  6. \\We admire Don Quixote, if we do, because he has a pure-hearted desire to do what is good, and he is pathetic because he is mad and his attempts are ludicrous.

    Non-europianism showing itself again? ;-)

    Your interpretation of don Quixote is possible, but...

    More direct and stated by author -- that was satiric novel.
    Laughing at values described in "knight's novels" of previous eras.
    Ideas of "desire to do good" showed in them.

    That is like... discuss behavior of Scarlet from "Gone with the wind"...
    withoit accounting for circumstances of time and place.

  7. \\As for Russia/Ukraine...

    Whar have I watched today.

    Cyborgs: Heroes Never Die movie is on YouTube officially

  8. \\We had no intentions of living up to the Minsk agreements.
    /FIRST and most important punckt in that agreements was -- chease fire.
    How do you think, does Russia adheared to it? Or showed inclination to do so, for the veriest leastest???

    You saw John McCain and Lindsey Graham talking to the troops LONG before the invasion... "2017 is the year we go ON OFFENSE."

    Was it Russian propaganda? Yes. Was it also the truth? Yes.

    \\And this war is a direct result.
    1) You are not european.
    2) That is result of Putin's dream to remake Russia by Nazi's standards.

    That's the "grand narrative." But it's also part of a meta-narrative. And ours is the age of meta-Narratives.

    \\...I'd say with politics, BOTH.

    Don't cry when the politicians start trading away your old non-fungible values for some new/fungible ones.

    \\But then again, here's my point (in bold) from the text...
    Well, you know my amswer to that question already -- freedom through technology. ;-)

    Give every man an F/A-18 Hornet (latest technology)? Or just the "bosses" (knights)? We supposedly have a "gun problem" in the US and politicians are looking to restrict this technology because it is deadly and can kill lots of people quickly. You could embed fingerprint sensors in them, but how would they know if owner went "crazy"? Will you turn all law enforcement over to AI's?

    Freedom and technology are sometimes incommensurable values (goods that can't live together). Sometimes you must choose. This is the tragic nature of choice (Isaiah Berlin of 'All Souls College' Oxford). Technology isn't a panacea.

    \\We admire Don Quixote, if we do, because he has a pure-hearted desire to do what is good, and he is pathetic because he is mad and his attempts are ludicrous.
    Non-europianism showing itself again? ;-)
    Your interpretation of don Quixote is possible, but...
    More direct and stated by author -- that was satiric novel.
    Laughing at values described in "knight's novels" of previous eras.
    Ideas of "desire to do good" showed in them.

    True, but as interpretted by another European author (Sir Isaiah Berlin). The best/last classical liberal professor of the 20th century.

    That is like... discuss behavior of Scarlet from "Gone with the wind"...
    withoit accounting for circumstances of time and place.

    Yes, we've de-contextualized the classic stories... but it was a favorite (Don Quixote) of Benjamin Franklin, who subsequently "redeemed" the work for American audiences. Ben was a bit of a Don Quixote himself in the "tech" world and a veritable renaissance man in other fields.

    \\As for Russia/Ukraine...
    /Whar have I watched today.
    Cyborgs: Heroes Never Die movie is on YouTube officially

    I suppose I need to watch/investigate. You know me, I'm a sucker for propaganda. :)

  9. \\I suppose I need to watch/investigate. You know me, I'm a sucker for propaganda. :)

    I already tired asking Russians where and what propaganda they see (apparentky, they do not see propaganda on their TV channels)

    But I am ready to be tired with your explanations of where and what propaganda DO SEE you. ;-P

    \\Yes, we've de-contextualized the classic stories...

    That is the problem -- hardly we have similar experience and assessment of it...

    \\Give every man an F/A-18 Hornet (latest technology)?

    That refurbished ol shit? :-)))

    \\Or just the "bosses" (knights)?


    \\Will you turn all law enforcement over to AI's?

    Like there are shortage of any other problems in the world???

    \\Freedom and technology are sometimes incommensurable values (goods that can't live together). Sometimes you must choose. This is the tragic nature of choice (Isaiah Berlin of 'All Souls College' Oxford). Technology isn't a panacea.

    Go propose. Your idea.

    Of how to catch ALL worms crawling out of a (Pandora's) box. ;-P

    \\Don't cry when the politicians start trading away your old non-fungible values for some new/fungible ones.

    There is old (ancient?) invention for this. Called Democracy. Direct Democracy, if needed. ;-P

    \\That's the "grand narrative." But it's also part of a meta-narrative. And ours is the age of meta-Narratives.

    Mere narrative cannot kill one. (maybe its brain)

    ICBM -- can.

    Well... in 20th century it was U-boats. Which waked USA from slumber. Who knows... maybe in 21st it'll be the same... with a startling difference....

    \\You saw John McCain and Lindsey Graham talking to the troops LONG before the invasion... "2017 is the year we go ON OFFENSE."

    No. I didn't.

  10. \\I suppose I need to watch/investigate. You know me, I'm a sucker for propaganda. :)
    /I already tired asking Russians where and what propaganda they see (apparentky, they do not see propaganda on their TV channels)
    But I am ready to be tired with your explanations of where and what propaganda DO SEE you. ;-P

    Video Unavailable "This video is private"...

    from Wiki:
    Half of the film's US$1.8 million budget was financed by the Ukrainian government, and significant help was provided by the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence and the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.[1]
    The first official teaser trailer for the movie was released on 15 August 2017.[2]
    It was released on 7 December 2017[1] which was symbolically planned for the third anniversary of the fall of the old Donetsk airport terminal.[3]

    The previous December of 2016...
    John McCain and Lindsey Graham promising to go on "Offense" against Russia.

    \\Yes, we've de-contextualized the classic stories...
    That is the problem -- hardly we have similar experience and assessment of it...

    Hence the need for multi-temporality. :)

    \\Give every man an F/A-18 Hornet (latest technology)?
    /That refurbished ol shit? :-)))

    Still best general purpose airframe EVER.

    \\Or just the "bosses" (knights)?

    Military commissioned officer class (like me). In Vietnam, Enlisted non-commissioned officers (NCOs) flew the Bell UH-1 Hueys. I always wanted to be a door gunner. :)

    \\Will you turn all law enforcement over to AI's?
    /Like there are shortage of any other problems in the world???

    You're the one pushing "tech" as panacea to solve all problems.

    \\Freedom and technology are sometimes incommensurable values (goods that can't live together). Sometimes you must choose. This is the tragic nature of choice (Isaiah Berlin of 'All Souls College' Oxford). Technology isn't a panacea.
    /Go propose. Your idea.
    Of how to catch ALL worms crawling out of a (Pandora's) box. ;-P

    That's the problem. You can't. I can't. No one can. Incommensurable problems. Fix one thing and you only make another problem. You can't optimize freedom:control. You must set your ratio and rationalize... 95%:5% or 5%:95% They are the opposite ends of the circle (with small gap).

    \\Don't cry when the politicians start trading away your old non-fungible values for some new/fungible ones.
    /There is old (ancient?) invention for this. Called Democracy. Direct Democracy, if needed. ;-P

    Who counts the votes?

    \\That's the "grand narrative." But it's also part of a meta-narrative. And ours is the age of meta-Narratives.
    Mere narrative cannot kill one. (maybe its brain)
    ICBM -- can.

    In this case the NATO narrative leads directly to the ICBM.

    Well... in 20th century it was U-boats. Which waked USA from slumber. Who knows... maybe in 21st it'll be the same... with a startling difference....

    Please. You think U-boats woke America from it's slumber? They could sink the entire US commercial merchant fleet and no one would care (see the Iran-Iraq Tanker War). Just don't attack a US Navy flagged ship or naval base. THAT might wake someone up.

    \\You saw John McCain and Lindsey Graham talking to the troops LONG before the invasion... "2017 is the year we go ON OFFENSE."
    /No. I didn't.

    Now you have, link above.

  11. \\Please. You think U-boats woke America from it's slumber?

    Well... as outsider far-far-away, I could be wrong.

    While, "lying like a witness" is there too... :-)

    \\In this case the NATO narrative leads directly to the ICBM.

    NATO's limp dick response leads to ICBMs flying.
    Bully understands only punch in a face.

    \\Who counts the votes?

    Go read about Urainian Kozaks. ;-)

    \\That's the problem. You can't. I can't.

    But... one can use momentum of it. Like in Ju Do. ;-)

    \\You're the one pushing "tech" as panacea to solve all problems.

    Cannot be helped. As mizerly prol. And techs made life of prols better. Much-much netter.

    \\Hence the need for multi-temporality. :)

    Still not enough to fix cultural differences. :-(

  12. It needs English subtitles. It was 95% drama and 5% action.

  13. Ya...

    Such a loosy propaganda. :-))))

    Gives a lot of variants. ;-)

    I bet the same as with Cyborgs above.

    PS Well, to understand that drama you'd need to now lot of trivia. :-/

  14. I'm a former sailor. Not all sea shanties are alike. That one had to be "explained" to me... as it applied to a "shore station" and not a ship, per se.

  15. The "trivia" was necessary for establishing the proper explanation.

  16. btw - Herman Melville's "Moby Dick" is a personal favorite. An old avatar of mine...

  17. \\The "trivia" was necessary for establishing the proper explanation.

    And only increased number of dots to connect... :-)

    \\btw - Herman Melville's "Moby Dick" is a personal favorite. An old avatar of mine..

    Cultural differences.
    What is must read for you. Is merely a feint aquitance for me.

    Remember. Highschooler level of immersion in your culture. ;-)

    Yep. I heared/watched something to inderstand this reference.
    Like movie on it's base, but in a Fanrasy World with Dragons instead of whales.

    \\I'm a former sailor.

    Well... my experience is only at some boat on a river.
    But with sail and paddles.
    But in childhood.


  18. Sounds like fun.

    The small cultural differences between Continental and Sea Powers... like Spartans, Arcadians, and Athenians. ;)

  19. Well... bigest problem and misunderstanding.

    That there is no more difference between sea and continental... something-something.

  20. It is a quite 2 dimensional argument.

    So divide again, Sea -> x,y and Land -> x,y or a different way... to get a third/ 4th dimension...

    x= under... y= over?

  21. Now, perhaps we gain some more "depth" of understanding?

  22. \\It is a quite 2 dimensional argument.

    Yep... idea that now Earth made "small" with uniting it airflights... and even with satellites in Space... is "quite 2 dimensional argument".

    You know, I'll agree here. For lulz. :-)))

  23. \\It's a shame that submarines can't tunnel under land... :(

    There is scifi movie about that... ;-P
