
And by a prudent flight and cunning save A life which valour could not, from the grave. A better buckler I can soon regain, But who can get another life again? Archilochus

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Octonions and Aliens...

Octonions are an eight-dimensional number system that are non-commutative and non-associative, meaning the order of multiplication matters, and grouping of multiplications can change the result; however, they are considered "alternative" which means they satisfy a weaker form of associativity, and are also power associative; they are considered the largest normed division algebra over real numbers, making them an extension of complex numbers and quaternions.

Key properties of octonions:
Eight dimensions, making them a higher dimensional extension of quaternions.

Unlike real numbers, complex numbers, and quaternions, the order of multiplication in octonions can affect the result.
Multiplication is not commutative, meaning a * b is not necessarily equal to b * a. 
Alternative property:
While not fully associative, octonions satisfy the alternative property, which means that for any three octonions a, b, and c, the following holds: a(ba) = (ab)a and a(aa) = (aa)a.
Power associative:
Raising an octonion to a power is associative.

Normed division algebra:
Octonions form a normed division algebra, meaning every non-zero octonion has a multiplicative inverse.

Cayley-Dickson construction:
Octonions can be constructed using the Cayley-Dickson process, which is also used to build quaternions from complex numbers. 
C. elegans is remarkable in that every worm has the same exact number of cells: 959 in the adult hermaphrodite (not counting the cells that will become eggs or sperm). 302 of these cells are neurons. Researchers in Brenner's group created two first-of-their-kind resources documenting the details of this biology.

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