
And by a prudent flight and cunning save A life which valour could not, from the grave. A better buckler I can soon regain, But who can get another life again? Archilochus

Friday, January 24, 2025

On Framing/ Re-Framing the Narrative...

...so as to lead the listener to a false conclusion.

The decontextualize, bait, & switch.

The Motte & Bailey 2-Step


Anonymous said...

We tolerated President Obama for 8 years and kept quiet. Here is my issue with the whole, “let us all be a United States again” that we heard from President Biden. For the last 4+ years, the Democrats have gone and scorched earth. You have salted the fields and now you want to grow crops. The problem is 75+ million of us have memories longer than a hamster.

Suzanne said...

This lesbian Episcopal Pastor was outrageously disrespectful and rude to our incoming President. How inappropriate.

She needs to shut her mouth and keep her place and save her convictions for the next time she prays to a merciful God.

I have no patience for these types of messages, which are so dismissive of the word of God and the respect due the office of the Presidency.

This was TOTALLY Disgusting.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

The thing about hamsters is that they keep returning to the wheel...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Think the Trumps will ever return for another service?

Richard said...

If you Democrats are going up go crazy over Elon Musks gesture thinking that it resembles and was an intentional Nazi salute but have remained *silent* for the last 15 months while Jews were hunted, abused, terrorism justified, our people kidnapped, our homes and places of worshiped vandalized, masses saying “h*tler was right”, the massss chanting for global violence against Jews, and also didn’t say *one word* about the actual seig heils displayed below - which were motioned at actual Jews , all by the far left- than please spare us with your fake and phony selective outrage about over Elon Musks gesture! Because I'm sick about listening to your Phony Crap. . If you aren’t gonna call it out on both sides then the outrage doesn’t come from a place of principles.

Anonymous said...

That Grotesque Pastor is an abomination & grossly disrespectful to God …• That is Gods house • Not a Marxist house where she can spout WOKE evil nonsense from the pulpit. She needs to be permanently removed & a real person of God — a real Bischop put in her place . She’s a disgrace & embarrassment to God & all those that came to listen to Gods word . Not this lunatics word ! Another DEI disaster

Joe Conservative said...

My only response, don't attend her services.

Anonymous said...

Here's what REAY happened...

Under Biden, the illegal on the flights to Columbia couldn’t get off because th Columbian President wouldn’t allow it and stop it from happening.
If the US is to meet Trump's deportation goals, we will have to use every means possible. Because there is not enough capacity in domestic US airlines to handle the volume.. AND WE WILL! You can count on on it!

Suzanne said...

Yes you bet!

Anonymous said...

Keep it Up people, Stay away folks, show the Dumb, Creepy Dave “Dyba “ show the asshole he we feel about him and his Incompetence, and his Bull-SHIT! .

Anonymous said...

With Not even two weeks in and Donald Trump has taken aim at all things ‘culture war’….His approval rate continues to climb
to new heights almost daily.. We can only assume the REAL Americans were in fact fed up with the Biden-Harris type of Government , in meddling in Americas social issues and attempting to control free speech, and their “Sanctuary Cities “.