
And by a prudent flight and cunning save A life which valour could not, from the grave. A better buckler I can soon regain, But who can get another life again? Archilochus

Friday, February 7, 2025

I'm Going to Make You a STAR!


Recently JWST has been used to study the protostar HH30. It’s a young star system located about 450 light-years away in the constellation Taurus and is embedded in the dark cloud LDN1551. At its centre lies a newborn star embedded in a dense disk of gas and dust, which fuels its formation.

HH30 is a Herbig-Haro object, a small, bright nebulae which has been found in a star-forming region. The nebula is created when high-speed jets of ionized gas from the newborn stars collide with surrounding interstellar material. They are typically located near protostars and are often aligned along the axis of bipolar outflows. As the jets travel through space at hundreds of kilometers per second, they create shock waves that heat the surrounding gas, causing it to glow in visible and infrared wavelengths. Herbig-Haro objects tend to be transient, evolving over a few thousand years as the jets interact with changing environments.

The system is best known for its spectacular bipolar jets, which shoot out from the protostar at high speeds. Observations from the Hubble Space Telescope have revealed a stunning silhouette of the dusty disk, seen edge-on, obscuring the central star while allowing astronomers to study the complex processes of star and planet formation.

The team of astronomers combined images from JWST, HST and the Atacama Large Millimetre Array (ALMA) so that they could study the appearance of the disk in multiple wavelengths. The observations have been wonderfully captured in this new image that has been released as Picture of the Month. HH30 is seen in unprecedented detail.


Anonymous said...

//No, you'll call me a fool (and you'd be right) no matter what knowledge I cited.

BS. Yawn.

I 100% PRO objective thinking.

Why I should call you a fool for stating objective facts???

Anonymous said...

//It's only "knowledge" if you can answer the "why" question.

That is heresy of metaphysics.


NO such knowlage possible (apart from one -- technological "whys")

Anonymous said...

//Is code (an ordered symbolization) needed for computers to work?

It needed for programmer to write program -- which are in symbolic form -- merely a text. In proze. ;-p

Computers -- don't care. They care only about bits and bytes.
Just like Evolitiob.;-p

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

So what is needed for the computers binary code to be translated into text so that the computers programmer can understand it? Electrical signals in the brain to construct the familiar language of consciousness? That silent script that you are listening to now inside your head? Is language necessary? Or is it what "humanizes" us?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Because they're merely subjective facts that you happen to agree with. Not everyone does,

Objectivists are idiots. Ayn Rand created a monster. Sometimes there are no "reasons"... Kant's critique of pure reason. You are a pragmatist (Critique of practical reason). Then add Critique of Judgement.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Then there is the secular heresy

Kant's Critique of Judgement:

The Critical project, that of exploring the limits and conditions of knowledge, had already produced the Critique of Pure Reason, in which Kant argued for a Transcendental Aesthetic, an approach to the problems of perception in which space and time are argued not to be objects. The First Critique argues that space and time provide ways in which the observing subject's mind organizes and structures the sensory world. The end result of this inquiry in the First Critique is that there are certain fundamental antinomies in the dialectical use of Reason, most particularly that there is a complete inability to favor on the one hand the argument that all behavior and thought is determined by external causes, and on the other that there is an actual "spontaneous" causal principle at work in human behavior.

The first position, of causal determinism, is adopted, in Kant's view, by empirical scientists of all sorts; moreover, it led to the Idea (perhaps never fully to be realized) of a final science in which all empirical knowledge could be synthesized into a full and complete causal explanation of all events possible to the world.

The second position, of spontaneous causality, is implicitly adopted by all people as they engage in moral behavior; this position is explored more fully in the Critique of Practical Reason.

The Critique of Judgment constitutes a discussion of the place of Judgment itself, which must overlap both the Understanding ("Verstand") (whichsoever operates from within a deterministic framework) and Reason ("Vernunft") (which operates on the grounds of freedom).

I'm a Lacanian. G_d is dead. Jouissance is "the reason" (object cause of human desire) shaped to meet the "external causes" of the World. Dasein. Being in the World.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

In other words, no "pure/ objective" answers (knowledge) to "technological 'whys'", only the subjective ones in the mind of the 'technologist' derived through his own 'jouissance'.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...and even then you need to ask yourself... "Is it me responsible for my own jouissance? Or does "my" jouissance come from satisfying the microbiota in my "gut" telling me I need more sugar, or carbs, or protein to feed the rest of my cells." Cuz they aren't running MY DNA. They're running their own.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Hunger... smell... taste. What shapes THOSE affiliated desires?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Gut biota DNA is the DNA of the bacteria that live in the gut. Gut microbiome tests analyze this DNA to identify the types and quantities of bacteria present in the gut.

What does gut biota DNA tell us?
Gut health

Gut microbiome tests can identify which bacteria are present in the gut and how they affect the body.
Epigenetic changes

Gut microbiota can affect DNA methylation patterns, which are genomic modifications caused by environmental factors.

Host gene expression
Gut microbiota can influence the expression of host genes, including those related to the immune system and gut barrier function.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

DNA methylation patterns are the patterns of methyl groups attached to cytosine nucleotides in DNA. These patterns are specific to each cell and tissue, and they change throughout development.

How are DNA methylation patterns established?

DNA methylation patterns are established early in development and copied when somatic cells divide.
DNA methylation patterns are created by transferring a methyl group to the cytosine nucleotide.

How do DNA methylation patterns regulate gene expression?

DNA methylation can recruit proteins that repress genes.

DNA methylation can prevent transcription factors from binding to DNA.

Methylation of CpG nucleotides in promoter regions is associated with gene repression.

Hypomethylation in promoter regions and hypermethylation in gene bodies are associated with gene expression.

Anonymous said...


Human brain crafty enough to grok binary as it is.

Bleh. Go read very simple book about computers

Anonymous said...


Computer basics (Understanding computers): Time-Life Books
This book is pretty cool, even if it is old. It explains how circuts work, some of the history of computing, and a whole section on ...
computer time life book from www.amazon.com
4.8(3) · $2.13

It answer all your unasked questions.

I grown too tired of your ignorance.

Well. There whole mini-series of em. Aboutcimputer langs and AI.

And quite easy to understand (not Kant)
I was reading em being schoolboy.;-p
So, it should not be a problem for you to grok it too.

Anonymous said...

//Because they're merely subjective facts that you happen to agree with. Not everyone does,

Like we have anything else awailable, objectively.;-p

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Exactly. We're ALL fools.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Please. I spent my life helping to build computers. I'm not going to spend my time pushing ropes. Brains are not computers. If they were, computers would be conscious.