Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Problem with "Progressive" Liberalism

... but much of what you think you know just isn't "true".
STRANGER: Human beings have come out in the same class with the freest and airiest of creation, and have been running a race with them.

YOUNG SOCRATES: I remark that very singular coincidence.

STRANGER: And would you not expect the slowest to arrive last?

YOUNG SOCRATES: Indeed I should.

STRANGER: And there is a still more ridiculous consequence, that the king is found running about with the herd and in close competition with the bird-catcher, who of all mankind is most of an adept at the airy life. (Plato is here introducing a new subdivision, i.e. that of bipeds into men and birds. Others however refer the passage to the division into quadrupeds and bipeds, making pigs compete with human beings and the pig-driver with the king. According to this explanation we must translate the words above, 'freest and airiest of creation,' 'worthiest and laziest of creation.')

- Plato, "Statesman"


  1. Once someone discovered that the torch that could light the way could also burn down the house it was just a matter of time before someone would discover a music video that could do that to your mind. LOL

    Prudence eschews perfection, or something like that.

  2. ...that's why they invented autotune. They (on the Left) don't take the time to practice anything.

  3. It's both an I-Pad and I-Phone App, now. Since the Beatles song deal, it comes with every Left wing song you buy at the I-Store. The app automatically inserts pc-ism's and homages to Leftist causes in every text and audio message sent from the device.

    Like the birds on Pala... "Attention, bwa-a-a-ck. Obama is Gra-a-a-a-te, bwa-a-a-a-ck!"

  4. The American Dream... build up a successful blog, and sell the administrator access to it on EBay.


  5. ...Grub Street gone digital. Ariana Huffing-Puff.

  6. Just when you thought it was safe to only satirize the Left, someone on the Right decides to shatter your irony-meter.

    If you can come up with the most creative, dramatic way to inform people that America is going broke, they'll pay you $100,000 cash.

  7. I suggest you spend $1 million formulating and producing your entry into the contest.


    I thought about copying and pasting and submitting to them the contest entry rules, but do you think they'd get the point?

    Nah, probably too avant garde.
