Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Fears for Some Familiar Faces

Now wing I my way like a bird from the flaxen net, escaping an evil man by breaking the trammels; and as for thee, thou 'st lost my friendship and wilt learn my shrewdness too late.
-Theognis of Megara (1097-1100)
Danger alone acquaints us with our own resources, our virtues, our armor and weapons, our spirit, and forces us to be strong. First principle: one must need to be strong--otherwise one will never become strong.
- Nietzsche, "Twilight of the Idols"


  1. Loved this version of a Tears for Fears classic, and it's on the soundtrack of one of my favorite movies Donnie Darko.

  2. FJ

    I have left sites that host you. You have never
    commented at The Poor Mouth before.

    I want nothing to do with you. Have the decency to quit following me around. You have plenty of places to go.

    Thank you

  3. I have officially declared war on Beakerkin.

  4. Have the decency to quit following me around.

    Decency? What do YOU know about decency, beakerkin?

  5. ...and beamish, don't bother. Contrary to what he might think, my life actually doesn't revolve around him. I just wanted to show him that I can reach out and touch him where-ever he might go and whenever I might like, that the "virtues" of his single name can become a destructive "vice".

    Beakerkin probably doesn't know this, but I once helped IAI develop the Radar Seeker's DCL box for the Israeli Arrow Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) System. The system was versatile enough to both detect a "hot" target from a cold background (a moving incoming ballistic missile against a clear open sky (w/or w/o sun), as well as detect a cold slow mover target against a "cluttered" background (look-down capability) (cruise missiles). Of course, this has nothing to do with using Google's advanced blog search engine...

  6. ...except that the word "Beakerkin" really stands out on the internet against the "clutter" of other search terms.

  7. And I suspect that the concept applies to other social media sites as well. ;)

  8. I think Beakerkin needs to go to the internet judges and apply for a legal name change. After he does that, I might stop pursuing him (is that what I'm going to keep doing?). Notice I used the word "might"...

  9. I hear that Barry Manilow is a big Ron Paul supporter now. Who knew that HE was a closet anti-semite? And did you know he once changed his name (after his Bar Mitvah)? Oh, wait, THAT explains EVERYthing...

  10. I miss working with the Israeli's. They always brought in bagels to share before their holidays.

  11. Me too. You know how hard it is to get a good, warm/fresh bagel in Maryland? ;)

  12. Well, he keeps bad mouthing you, and I'm one of your sock puppets. Or are you one of my sock puppets. I forget how it goes.

    Satire is my bag. It's time we help Beaverkin build his damn. By the end, he'll beg me to stop helping him. ;)

  13. Well, with any luck, he'll get it out of his system. So long as no one's listening, he can bad mouth me all the way to the grave, for all I care. Do what you want beamish, but I'm through trying to forgive and forget, I'll just concentrate on the forget.

  14. But Beaverkin's damn is impenetrable against anti-Femites.

  15. lol! It's pretty nare impenetrable by philo-Fems, either.

  16. Not that there's anything wrong with that. :P

  17. As is my right to be the "comedic genius" I am at his expense :P

  18. As we used to tell our two boys when they were dealing with their younger sister, "Just don't make her squeek!"

  19. I hear that Barry Manilow is a big Ron Paul supporter now.

    Ron Paul wants to drop all the sanctions and travel restrictions on Cuba.

    Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl
    With yellow feathers in her hair and a dress cut down to there
    She would merengue and do the cha-cha
    And while she tried to be a star, Tony always tended bar
    Across a crowded floor, they worked from 8 till 4
    They were young and they had each other
    Who could ask for more?

    At the Copa (CO!), Copacabana (Copacabana)
    The hottest spot north of Havana (here)
    At the Copa (CO!), Copacabana
    Music and passion were always the fashion
    At the Copa....they fell in love

  20. It's going to be pretty hard to dig the "tick" of communism out of Cuba (or Venezuela's) hide. Once Fidel and Hugo are dead though... there's no one in Venezuela or Cuba that can replace them. Not even "brothers".

  21. Maybe they'll have a fire sale on biological weapons.

  22. Cuba might. They're supposedly into them VERY heavily.

  23. Oh, wait... that's their "pharmaceutical" industry. The "jewel" in Cuba's much vaunted "health care" system
