Sunday, September 18, 2011

SIlence is Golden

Never have I betrayed a dear and loyal comrade, nor is there aught of the slavish in my soul.
- Theognis of Megara (529-530)


  1. How do you do it, FJ? I called Beak a member of a race of parasites and hagglers on his own blog for his trying to renegotiate his slander of you, and he won't call me an anti-Semite?

    What's a member of the master race gotta do to get some respect around here?

  2. Don't worry. He'll figure out sooner or later that you're just another one of my many paulbots being run out an anonymizing IP re-host server located in Missouri, and he'll be accusing you of child molesting before you know it.

  3. Now leave me alone. I've got finish modifying the latest version of my Dada Engine and complete the code mods for releasing Beamish v7.3

  4. Don't forget to add the subroutine where I want to purge Rudy Republicans and other RINOs from the Tea Party ;)

  5. Probably too busy emphasizing the irony functions. ;)

  6. LOL... keep 'em consulting their pineal glands for hours...

  7. It's a lot easier than commanding the chickens to peck.

  8. Arguing with yourself?

    Not a good sign, Farmer.

  9. I wouldn't be doing so had I gotten the programming right last time around. It's proof of the addage that "Haste makes waste."
