Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Zizek, OWS Rock Star


  1. Dirty, unkempt hair, check.

    Can't keep his hands off his nose and face, hair, check.

    Dude's on meth.

  2. I personally think that I have a lot in common with the man... meth not being one thing.

  3. As a Freudian I'd have to speculate that the "septal" - nose and unkempt appearance connections are symptomatic of his thought processes...

  4. As a Missourian, I'd say his spasmatic behavior is drug abuse related.

  5. As a listener, I'd say his inability to speak coherently is symptomatic of his thought processes. ;)

  6. Nose running?

    Dude's either on meth, or flying high on cocaine.

  7. Cokes a definite possibility... you know those Freudians.

  8. Does he have illicit sex with his sister-in-law too? ;)

    I just find the guy hard to follow. I'm not even sure he follows himself.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. For fun, I tried to count how many times he wiped his schnozz in this video. Had to stop when he caught himself almost wiping his nose with his t-shirt.

    It's obvious to me now he didn't show up to speak in that t-shirt. He couldn't have. They gave him that shirt so he wouldn't go on stage wearing a booger ghillie suit.

    People listen to this incessantly babbling scuzz-ball? Are they paid to?

  11. Ewwww. Smears boogers on his shirt, in his hair, and eats a few too.

    I'm beginning to see why he's a leftist hero.

  12. (Odysseus:) ‘O son of Polytherses, lover of mockery, never speak loud and all at random in your recklessness. Rather leave all speech to the gods, since they are far stronger than you are. Here is your guest gift, in exchange for that hoof you formerly gave to godlike Odysseus, as he went about through the palace.’ (22.287-291)

  13. Mr. ducky, the Left has no Odysseus.

  14. I've now watched a few hours of Zizek lectures, and I am convinced that he has a sizable cocaine habit. He constantly wipes his nose on his hands and then rubs/drys them all over his shirt.

  15. cocaine please...hold the cream
