Monday, January 9, 2012

The Collective Can Only Afford One Guitar


  1. Kindly leave my blog and do not return. I want nothing to do with you or your disturbing personas.

    I have no desire to interact with you on neutral blogs.

    Good luck and best wishes

  2. I left you alone. Then you started writing about me. Kindly stop. If you wish to return to the status quo ante, then you know how to do so.

  3. You are not even a competent liar.
    You deliberately provoked a fight at the Pagan's site.

    Sorry, but you are clearly guilty and need to take responsibilty for your actions.

    I want no appologies. Kindly disappear and never return

    Thank you

  4. You deliberately provoked a fight at the Pagan's site.

    Mmmmm. And what call me in your message to Pagan at your site that I'm not supposed to comment at, Hmmmmm.? Competency at lying is a little something you could use some brushing up on.

    The "clear" guilt is your own, and since you won't take responsibility for your own actions, why should I, mine?

    tit-4-tat isn't all that difficult a concept, beakerkin. Most people "get it" right away.

  5. Well, well. I was fully under the impression that Farmer's Letters had gone out of business or MIA.

    But going by the avatar, this must be good ole’ ‘Farmer John’… but who is ‘Thersites’?

    I see you’re having a little spot of bother with an old acquaintance of mine, huh? What’s new: that guy could make trouble in an empty room!

    You a Paulite now? Had you down as a Gingrich guy. Correct me if I’m wrong.

  6. It has been resurrected. And I am Thersites, Speedy G, -FJ, Titan, The Absolute Marxist, Stanley, et al.

    ANd I'm an anyone but Romney guy.

  7. Farmer, are you the one rampaging on Jo-Jo Politico's blog calling for the extermination of liberals?

  8. Does that sound like me, ducky?

    I don't follow that blog.

  9. Didn't think so but you never know.

    The posts lacked style.

  10. So when I briefly debated with Speedy G and Titan, that was you…

    Why the multiple personalities simulation?

  11. Not sure what show you’re referring to but if it’s about the ‘teh beak spaeks’, he’s following a trusted yet frustrated pattern: see also me and MZ. He’ll keep blabbing about you, all the while having to keep CM on to keep you out. Doesn’t get the concept of tit-for-tat easily, it seems.

    You don’t believe Ron Paul is a racist? I’m neutral on that but then there’s those newsletters…

    Spreading the love: a cool ‘old’ tune: Think I’m paranoid. This collective has more than one guitar.

  12. Click any of the links on the side, and you'll learn that to which I refer. I highly recommend the Inspector AIPac and Deputy Queenish links.

    And I'm very familar with beakerkin's pattern, as his limited repertoire renders him readily predictable (often to the point of tedium). Unfortunately for him, overstated anti-semitism charges are being magnified and doubly overstated around the blogosphere as we speak by the good Inspector and his deputies. I doubt many people will soon wish to discern a difference between the two, as the beakerkin's moral authority as a righteous "Republican" blogger gradually diminishes daily.

    As Saul Alinsky once wisely prophesized in rule 11 of his "rules for radicals" - If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside.

    And no, I don't believe Ron Paul to be a racist, any more than anyone else currently in the race (including our current president) is racist, at least. Yes, Paul has formed certain "unfortunate stereotypes" of minorities which he sometimes voices, but there is nothing in those stereotypes that couldn't be backed with suppressed and/or repressed statistics.

    And it was a great tune. Thanks.

  13. Thanks. I like most of Garbage.

    Anyway, you’re ‘finnished’, over at TBS, ‘FINNISHED!’, ‘wasshet up’, do you hear?

    The whole AS thing in the US has come full circle, I think. It’s become cartoonish when an Israel Firster (ooops!) like Friedman, drill sergeant of pro-Israel American Jewry is suspected of anti-Semitism.

    Something is brewing in that part of the US population and the Republican candidates seem to be further catalysing it. Even Paul. Phil Weiss roots for him.

    What’s wrong with Romney? From where I stand he’s the only electable candidate. (I haven’t got the right to vote yet in the US but with that World G’ment coming soon, I need to stay informed ;-) )

    I’ll remember that quote, ta.

  14. Man, that Inspector AIPAC blog had me in stitches. Funniest thing I’ve read all week, easily. And the profile is hilarious too.

    You guys sure know how to lampoon each other…

    Here’s one I like: from Circus Israel.

  15. How about we use protest letters? Firm but polite. Good quality paper.

    BWAH! Say no more, say no more...

  16. Yeah, that and

    FAYYAD: Khaled, c’mon, man…

    MESHAL: This never occurs to you? That everything we’re talking about, the expulsions, the land grabs, the contempt, it’s all on purpose to make us surrender?

    SHALLAH: Wow. My brother, that’s really paranoid.

    Loved the Inspector’s avatar, BTW. Reminds me of the ‘Grand Theft Avatar’ days. Halcyon!

    So Chief Wiggum single-handedly wants to purge the GOP of Paulites, huh? A tad Stalinesque, perchance?

    I’ll have to hope for his sake that in 2016 Giuliani actually shows up: his track record in that department isn’t impeccable. And Beaky’s recent choice of Herman ‘Love Machine’ Cain wasn’t exactly long-lived either…

    I think Chief Wiggum’s an antisemite: all that wholesale excommunicating of dissenting fellow Jews surely cannot be kosher???

    Looks like you’re in for the long haul now.

  17. Looks like you’re in for the long haul now.

    I know no other.

  18. What a GREAT video! Thanks. All I need now is a little context to re-post it in. ;)

  19. from the Jowett summary of Plato's "Sophist"

    Conquest by craft is called hunting, and of hunting there is one kind which pursues inanimate, and another which pursues animate objects; and animate objects may be either land animals or water animals, and water animals either fly over the water or live in the water. The hunting of the last is called fishing; and of fishing, one kind uses enclosures, catching the fish in nets and baskets, and another kind strikes them either with spears by night or with barbed spears or barbed hooks by day; the barbed spears are impelled from above, the barbed hooks are jerked into the head and lips of the fish, which are then drawn from below upwards. Thus, by a series of divisions, we have arrived at the definition of the angler's art.

    And now by the help of this example we may proceed to bring to light the nature of the Sophist. Like the angler, he is an artist, and the resemblance does not end here. For they are both hunters, and hunters of animals; the one of water, and the other of land animals. But at this point they diverge, the one going to the sea and the rivers, and the other to the rivers of wealth and rich meadow-lands, in which generous youth abide. On land you may hunt tame animals, or you may hunt wild animals. And man is a tame animal, and he may be hunted either by force or persuasion;—either by the pirate, man-stealer, soldier, or by the lawyer, orator, talker. The latter use persuasion, and persuasion is either private or public. Of the private practitioners of the art, some bring gifts to those whom they hunt: these are lovers. And others take hire; and some of these flatter, and in return are fed; others profess to teach virtue and receive a round sum. And who are these last? Tell me who? Have we not unearthed the Sophist?

    I suppose that will do. Thanks.

  20. Thanks for contextualising it! Where would we be w/o context, huh? ;)

    Perhaps I can interest you in a glass of homemade cyber beer?

    Lager (4.5 ABV) or Scottish Stout (about 6 ABV)? Of course I can’t actually pay for it but the cost of a thought cannot be very high, at least in this case. Cheers!

    Loved that Mel Brooks video, must watch that movie again soon. Perhaps you should too, before they start calling you ‘concentration camp Ehrhardt’ ;-)

  21. I'll take the Stout, thanks! ;)

    ...and I'm glad you enjoyed Mel. He makes a great Nazi. :)

