Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Back from the Dead....


  1. Are you trying to turn Halloween into HELLoween?

    Or maybe Hello, Weed?

    In either case you've succeeded admirably.

    }}}}}}}}}} GHOSTLY is GHASTLY {{{{{{{{{

    ~ FT

  2. One in a dozen old family lines (13)

  3. Nah. 13 letters. Actually 5-2-6.

  4. a dozen, a gross, and a score,
    plus three times the square root of four,
    divided by seven,
    plus five times eleven,
    equals nine squared plus zero, no more.

  5. But i thought you liked crosswords. It's a crossword clue.

  6. I love crosswords... only I'm terrible at them. Were it not for the "Clear all Errors" button on my IPad Ap, I'd never complete one....

    Okay, the old family line... the 12 tribes of Israel? (Of which Levi made 13 ... + 2 independent tribes unmentioned)... but the 5-2-6 as letters would be e-b-f...? but backward and subtract one would be Gad?

  7. Twelve tribes of Israel: hence the answer: tribe-of-israel (5-2-6)

  8. no, no, 13 were the number of letters in the answer. Just that.

  9. It was from yesterday's crossword in TOI (Times of India) here. There were three such similar clues.

    One in a dozen difficult jobs (15) (labourofhercules);
    One in a dozen constellations (15)(signofthezodiac); and the one above.

  10. ...and the poem I enclosed "above" represents the overarching "theme" of the crossword that you just described. ;)

    that's gross!

    twelve dozen is a gross, and twelve gross are called a great gross.
    (from the LA Times)

  11. lol. Yes. But the i liked best was this (from the same puzzle): "Nothing is stopping us" (4)

  12. I was anticipating something a little more "physical"...

    like some obscure Latin or Greek synonym for "perpetual motion"

  13. I think the most important question here is: Why does a skeleton need socks and shoes to moonwalk?
