Friday, February 14, 2014

Shadowbox Underlays

From whence do my darkest, deepest thoughts flow...
The ones I wish no one to know.
These thoughts that lay so dormant in my mind,
Ones I never want any one to find.

From whence do they flow
And where do they go.
Is it deamon, devil, or evil un-kind,
That pops and sizzles and plays my mind?

Cast them out the Halleljah preacher would say,
Pray cleanse thy mind, for yet another day.
But the thoughts are so aborate they tickle the mind,
Are you sure it is only darkness, left behind?

From whence do my darkest, deepest thoughts flow,
Could it be the raven or maybe the crow,
That enters my mind and turns the soul cold,
Leaving me with thoughts deep, dark, and bold.

From meloncoly to quite jolly,
This dispare, is my worst folly,
How erosive they tear me apart,
Heavy the burden, weights my heart.

In my shadow box, locked away,
Never to see the light of day,
Darkness I can never let out,
Haunting me, have no dought.

So do not ask so eagerly,
About my thoughts you cannot see,
For some would cause you heart to chill,
Make you think, I was quite ill.

From whence do my darkest deepest thought flow,
Pray that I will never know,
For as dark as my thoughts do go,
Darker still from whence they flow.....
Teresa Dearing


  1. Happy Valentines my friend!! Stay warm ! xoxoxo:)

  2. Oh I really like this. Very timely poem.

    Happy Valentine's day FJ.

    Here's to sunnier days ahead....

  3. After all the snow we've had this week, and what we're again expecting tonight, I'll gladly toast to summer!

    Happy Valentines Day to your and yours!

  4. Mr. AOW and I are living for the big warm up that is supposed to arrive next week. Mounds upon mounds of snow need to melt!

    "Now is the winter of our discontent."

  5. We didn't get the overnite snow... but it's snowing now... :(

  6. We had conversational snow for over 8 hours.

  7. Ah, is that snow that doesn't accumulate? Because that's what we had here. :)

  8. Yep.

    We're supposed to get some more snow this afternoon, but not much -- according to the weatherman.

    There was a red sunrise this morning, but it wasn't blood red.
