Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Living Alberich's Curse?

“Don’t only practice your art, but force your way into its secrets, for it and knowledge can raise men to the divine.”
― Ludwig van Beethoven


  1. The Brunette Chubette is really very attractive ---- until she opens her mouth to "sing." ;-) The "lyrics," however, if one could properly dignify them with the term, are clever, the presentation, such as it is, quite professional.

    However, the brazen Self-Adoration, shamelessly naked Narcissism, devotion to unlimited Self-Indulgence and perennial Irresponsibility are more than a bit disquieting -- to put it mildly.

    Hardly an opus I'd feel comfortable making reference to in the same breath with Beethoven!

  2. Well Alberich, perhaps you should steal the Rheinmaiden's gold and forge a new ring in your own image.

    There's nothing stopping you. ;)

  3. What? And bring Goetterdaemmerung about all over again?

    No thanks!

    I'll leave that up to Barack, who seems more than adequate to the task all by himself. };-)>
