Saturday, December 20, 2014

A Message from a Fellow Farmer...

...Farmer fellow?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.


  2. These introductions by shallow, pretentious, self-aggrandizing, pseudo-intellectual airheads never cease to irk. I kept longing for the b-tch to shut up, sit down, and let Zizek talk.

    I enjoy the way he gently-but-firmly pricks her balloon after finally being permitted to address the audience. (She, of course, is so fatuously self-absorbed, I doubt she was aware of the put-down.)

    Even though I cannot claim to understand him perfectly, and generally disagree with over-intellectualization of any subject, Zizek, himself, never fails to convey a commanding aura of sincerity and authenticity. I may not agree with him, but I can never help liking him.

  3. On that we can most certainly agree. I appreciate Zizek's sincerity and consider his contributions to be an earnest attempt at advancing whatever subject he chooses to address. He does much to lift the Left from the great disrepute to which it of late, with communism, fallen.

  4. By the way, The Organic "Farmer" above was a riot.

    As to Zizek's being a creature of the Left, it's hard o believe because he is so unlike the idiotarians we have to put up with like Nicolas Kristoff, Paul Krugman, Katrina Vanden Heuvel, the Obama White House, the crowd of dingbats, door mats and dung beetles at Oppressive Destructions and most every professor of Literature, Sociology, Political Science, History, Psychology, etc. in our university system.

    I do think Zizek may very well be in a class by himself.

  5. He saw and lived East European communism first hand and so has no "delusions". So he is not a "stupid" idealist, as all those others you mention, have been/are.

  6. The movie "United 93" avoided the politics of the 9/11 hijackers as an appeasement of leftwing propagandists. The producers/writers wanted to avoid a backlash from those moonbats.

  7. It's time that our enemies learned, "our b*tches be CRAZY!"

    Backlash? Do I look like I care?

  8. If I read the situation right, what we must do is learn to lash back at the backlash -- very hard, and decisively.

  9. True, but Leftists put propaganda before all substance.

    In their militant form all ideologies are dogmatic, but even moderate Leftists have taken their dogma to heart.

    That is why they actively attempt to overly politicize the arts, education system, government bureaucracy, health care, and the media.

    Their shield of political correctness is wielded to correct serious social issues, but also misused to silence dissent.

    The abuse of identity politics is another aspect of this conformist ideology. They use this strategy to disqualify a person's right to express their own opinion... if you are not black you have no right to voice your opinions about blacks. The same for the poor, Muslims, etc...

    It is no wonder that George Orwell based Big Brother and Animal Farm on Leftists.

    Their propaganda is entwined in every aspect of our society.

  10. That's because it all has a "common root".

    From Slavoj Zizek's "The Sublime Object of Ideology":

    It is upon the unity of these two features that the Marxist notion of the revolution, of the revolutionary situation, is founded: a situation of metaphysical condensation in which it finally becomes clear to the everyday consciousness that it is not possible to solve any particular question without solving them all - that is, without solving the fundamental question, which embodies the antagonistic character of the social totality. In a 'normal' pre-revolutionary state of things, everybody is fighting his own particular battles (workers are striking for better wages, feminists are fighting for the rights of women, democrats for political and social freedoms, ecologists against the exploitation of nature, participants in the peace movements against the dangers of war, and so on). Marxists are using all their skill and adroitness of argument to convince the participants in these particular struggles that the only real solution to their problem is to be found in the global revolution: as long as social relations are dominated by Capital, there will always be sexism in the relations between the sexes, there will always be a threat of global war, there will always be a danger that political and social freedoms will be suspended, nature itself will always remain an object of ruthless exploitation... The global revolution will then abolish the basic social antagonism, establishing the formation of a transparent, rationally governed society.

    THIS is the 'mythic kernel' behind all Marxist ideology.

  11. ...a solution to a problem for which there no 'solution' exists. The "human condition".
