Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Ancients Preached Temperance Whilst Post-Moderns Preach "Enjoyment"

He (Charmides) came as he was bidden, and sat down between Critias and me (Socrates). Great amusement was occasioned by every one pushing with might and main at his neighbour in order to make a place for him next to themselves, until at the two ends of the row one had to get up and the other was rolled over sideways. Now I, my friend, was beginning to feel awkward; my former bold belief in my powers of conversing with him had vanished. And when Critias told him that I was the person who had the cure, he looked at me in such an indescribable manner, and was just going to ask a question. And at that moment all the people in the palaestra crowded about us, and, O rare! I caught a sight of the inwards of his garment, and took the flame. Then I could no longer contain myself. I thought how well Cydias understood the nature of love, when, in speaking of a fair youth, he warns some one 'not to bring the fawn in the sight of the lion to be devoured by him,' for I felt that I had been overcome by a sort of wild-beast appetite. But I controlled myself, and when he asked me if I knew the cure of the headache, I answered, but with an effort, that I did know.

And what is it? he said.

I replied that it was a kind of leaf, which required to be accompanied by a charm, and if a person would repeat the charm at the same time that he used the cure, he would be made whole; but that without the charm the leaf would be of no avail.

Then I will write out the charm from your dictation, he said.

With my consent? I said, or without my consent?

With your consent, Socrates, he said, laughing.

Very good, I said; and are you quite sure that you know my name?

I ought to know you, he replied, for there is a great deal said about you among my companions; and I remember when I was a child seeing you in company with my cousin Critias.

I am glad to find that you remember me, I said; for I shall now be more at home with you and shall be better able to explain the nature of the charm, about which I felt a difficulty before. For the charm will do more, Charmides, than only cure the headache. I dare say that you have heard eminent physicians say to a patient who comes to them with bad eyes, that they cannot cure his eyes by themselves, but that if his eyes are to be cured, his head must be treated; and then again they say that to think of curing the head alone, and not the rest of the body also, is the height of folly. And arguing in this way they apply their methods to the whole body, and try to treat and heal the whole and the part together. Did you ever observe that this is what they say?

Yes, he said.

And they are right, and you would agree with them?

Yes, he said, certainly I should.

His approving answers reassured me, and I began by degrees to regain confidence, and the vital heat returned. Such, Charmides, I said, is the nature of the charm, which I learned when serving with the army from one of the physicians of the Thracian king Zamolxis, who are said to be so skilful that they can even give immortality. This Thracian told me that in these notions of theirs, which I was just now mentioning, the Greek physicians are quite right as far as they go; but Zamolxis, he added, our king, who is also a god, says further, 'that as you ought not to attempt to cure the eyes without the head, or the head without the body, so neither ought you to attempt to cure the body without the soul; and this,' he said, 'is the reason why the cure of many diseases is unknown to the physicians of Hellas, because they are ignorant of the whole, which ought to be studied also; for the part can never be well unless the whole is well.' For all good and evil, whether in the body or in human nature, originates, as he declared, in the soul, and overflows from thence, as if from the head into the eyes. And therefore if the head and body are to be well, you must begin by curing the soul; that is the first thing. And the cure, my dear youth, has to be effected by the use of certain charms, and these charms are fair words; and by them temperance is implanted in the soul, and where temperance is, there health is speedily imparted, not only to the head, but to the whole body. And he who taught me the cure and the charm at the same time added a special direction: 'Let no one,' he said, 'persuade you to cure the head, until he has first given you his soul to be cured by the charm. For this,' he said, 'is the great error of our day in the treatment of the human body, that physicians separate the soul from the body.' And he added with emphasis, at the same time making me swear to his words, 'Let no one, however rich, or noble, or fair, persuade you to give him the cure, without the charm.' Now I have sworn, and I must keep my oath, and therefore if you will allow me to apply the Thracian charm first to your soul, as the stranger directed, I will afterwards proceed to apply the cure to your head. But if not, I do not know what I am to do with you, my dear Charmides.

Critias, when he heard this, said: The headache will be an unexpected gain to my young relation, if the pain in his head compels him to improve his mind: and I can tell you, Socrates, that Charmides is not only pre-eminent in beauty among his equals, but also in that quality which is given by the charm; and this, as you say, is temperance?

Yes, I said.
-Plato, "Charmides" (380 BCE)
Bang with Friends, your new Facebook App


  1. That Bang app is ridiculous, if not disgusting. But it’s not surprising that snotball’s site adopted this. ‘Accidental Gazillionaire’ wotsisname just wanted to ‘connect a few people’, right? Well, he’s doing that now. What could possibly go wrong? That article would be funny if it wasn't so stupid. Still, going by the comments, good luck 'banging' people who express themselves in txtinglish. Your orgasm should reflect your two digits IQ!

    Re. Zizek on romance, I’ve seen him elaborate more before and agree. But I think ‘true love’ isn't quite dead yet…

    Three cheers for real romance and unrequited love!

  2. The California-based group thought of the idea as a way to improve standard online dating sites like eHarmony or Match.com. “One night, we were shooting the shit about how online dating is broken,” said one creator. “What a lot of people want is just to skip all the shit and get to the sex.” The conversation evolved to Facebook, a social media platform used mainly by 18-34 years olds, many of whom are in college and use social media to connect with pals. “It would be great, as guys, if you could find out which girls are actually into you and not dance around anything,” he said.

    'Thought'? 'Online dating is broken, let's break it some more'. Idiots...

  3. There's love... and then there's the "pursuit of happiness". As Zizek would characterize it, "love without the fall".

  4. The British don’t have a ‘dream’… cos they’re awake!

    Wanna know what Zizek calls finding yourself within another person's dream? A nightmare!

  5. ...okay, maybe it was Gilles Deleuze who wrote: “If you are snagged in another’s dream, you are lost.”

  6. Speedy:

    Not sure why you're smiling.

    This could be the first literal case of 'murderous neoliberalism'.

    BTW, I hope your moniker doesn't reflect your staying power ('sexual continence') in the sack! ;-)

  7. Smiling? That's not a smile, that's my tongue! ;)

  8. Emoticon mix-up! And a fine tongue it is!

  9. It's elementary, dear Farmer.

    2+2 = 4

    4 + 4 = 8

    8 + 8 = 16

    16 + 16 = 32, ETC.

    "Fire will burn you."

    "Water will make you wet."

    "Sin in haste; repent at leisure."

    Eternal verities are immutable and inescapable.

    You too must suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.

  10. 2+2 = 4

    4 + 4 = 8

    8 + 8 = 16

    16 + 16 = 32, ETC.


    2^n + 2^n = 2 x 2^n = 2^(n+1)

  11. 1550s, from Medieval Latin algebra, from Arabic al jabr ("in vulgar pronunciation, al-jebr" [Klein]) "reunion of broken parts," as in computation, used 9c. by Baghdad mathematician Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi as the title of his famous treatise on equations ("Kitab al-Jabr w'al-Muqabala" "Rules of Reintegration and Reduction"), which also introduced Arabic numerals to the West. The accent shifted 17c. from second syllable to first. The word was used in English 15c.-16c. to mean "bone-setting," probably from Arab medical men in Spain.

  12. 'computation = bone setting'? Blimey, no wonder we get confused by language!
