Friday, June 26, 2015

Re-Purpose the Monuments!

Letting our 'Freak' Flag Fly!

Never take it down, Never take it down!
What political compromise really looks like... Ridiculous!


  1. Calm down, Farmer. You lost, take some aspirin and have lie down now.

    I can see 'Lawn Wars' coming up. Someone puts up 4 confederate flags and his neighbour puts up 5 union flags and couple of rainbows! Could be fun...

    Talking about which (Rainbows)...

    So many Chimay opportunities lost here! :-<

  2. There were no surprises in this ruling. The surprise was in the Obamacare ruling going 6-3 yesterday when any honest interpretation of the law would make voting for sustaining the law impossible.

    SCOTUS' reputation will soon match Congress' in the polls.

  3. Thersites,
    SCOTUS' reputation will soon match Congress' in the polls.

    No kidding!

    Wasn't it Founding Father Thomas Jefferson who expressed concern about the power of the U.S. Supreme Court?

  4. Removing the Confederate flag from Gettysburg Battlefield is ASININE!

  5. Removing the flag from ANYWHERE is asinine. It's just another distraction to keep eyes off all the economic trade agreements currently under negotiation.

  6. Can someone please explain why still sells Nazi flags and copies of Madison Grant's The Passing of the Great Race?

    But is falling all over itself to remove Confederate battle flags?

    What's next? Dynamiting Stone Mountain?

  7. It's called "cultural capitalism" beamish. Today I sell my culture, tomorrow I exclude yours. There's obviously still a "cultural market" for NAZI flags and racist tomes. Duty, Honor and Country are "out" of cultural 'fashion'. It's been this way since '68.

  8. Mmmm. '68 was me. '68 is when "resistance" became "part" of and was incorporated into the establishment through "Interpassivity".

  9. Thersites,
    Oops! Damn dilation drops! At the eye doctor's office all day.

    Thanks for explaining the 1968 reference.
