Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy 4th of July!

In the next Rebellion, what will be the "Union" Cause", "Corporate World Hegemony!"?


  1. Here's hoping.

    I raised a glass to The Republic but... I also read this...

    Let the 'revolution' be swift and victorious.

  2. Well, the Confederate States of America had the idea of turning everything south of Texas on down to Argentina into part of the country once that nasty argument with the Union over who was going to pay to feed and house and vocationally train the minorities was over with. :)

  3. And I always thought that THAT idea originated with that damn Yankee, Aaron Burr! ;)

  4. Real good ‘short history’ of neoliberalist ideology here:

    Hayek turning in his grave.

  5. Nether hatred nor envy. From the look of it –– on the surface at least, and what else could there be there BUT "surface?" -- it appears to be sheer, unbridled, unabashed ASININITY run amok.
