Monday, October 12, 2015

Columbus Day Descendent

Are these the honors they reserve for me,
Chains for the man who gave new worlds to Spain!
Rest here, my swelling heart! — O kings, O queens,
Patrons of monsters, and their progeny,
Authors of wrong, and slaves to fortune merely!

Why was I seated by my prince's side,
Honor'd, caress'd like some first peer of Spain?
Was it that I might fall most suddenly
From honor's summit to the sink of scandal?
'T is done, 't is done! — what madness is ambition!

What is there in that little breath of men,
Which they call Fame, that should induce the brave
To forfeit ease and that domestic bliss
Which is the lot of happy ignorance,
Less glorious aims, and dull humility? —

Whoe'er thou art that shalt aspire to honor,
And on the strength and vigor of the mind
Vainly depending, court a monarch's favor,
Pointing the way to vast extended empire;

First count your pay to be ingratitude,
Then chains and prisons, and disgrace like mine!
Each wretched pilot now shall spread his sails,
And treading in my footsteps, hail new worlds,
Which, but for me, had still been empty visions.
- Philip Freneau, "Columbus in Chains"


  1. Happy Columbus DAY! xoxoxox not for the lefties consumption..they are too busy blaming and shaming FJ!!

  2. Brave Columbus sailed three ships
    _____ into The Great Unknown
    __________ to test an untried theory
    _______________ hoping to find a shorter route to India.

    Instead, he discovered a far greater Treasure
    _____ though he may never have known it.

    He and his men suffered unimaginable hardship
    _____ meeting challenges unlike any since Marco Polo
    __________ made his overland trek to find Cathay.

    Miraculously he returned to his patron, Queen Isabella
    ___ Feted at first, he nevertheless, ended up
    __________ humiliated, disgraced and imprisoned.

    Today, he is again reviled, defamed
    _____ and made the victim of base ingratitude
    __________ by Political Correctness ––
    _______________ Brutal Tyranny's Latest Incarnation.

    Brave men of honor and distinction
    _____ subject at first to wooing
    __________ seem forever destined just to win
    _______________ no loving –– only screwing!

    ~ Santa Maria Ninapinta
    (translated from the original Spanish by FT ;-)
