Tuesday, December 1, 2015

I'll Go On...

“Unfortunately I am afraid, as always, of going on. For to go on means going from here, means finding me, losing me, vanishing and beginning again, a stranger first, then little by little the same as always, in another place, where I shall say I have always been, of which I shall know nothing, being incapable of seeing, moving, thinking, speaking, but of which little by little, in spite of these handicaps, I shall begin to know something, just enough for it to turn out to be the same place as always, the same which seems made for me and does not want me, which I seem to want and do not want, take your choice, which spews me out or swallows me up, I’ll never know, which is perhaps merely the inside of my distant skull where once I wandered, now am fixed, lost for tininess, or straining against the walls, with my head, my hands, my feet, my back, and ever murmuring my old stories, my old story, as if it were the first time.”
― Samuel Beckett, "The Unnamable"


  1. ____________ MUSICAL TOILETS ____________

    Mistaken notions in the world abound --
    Unheard of at the time when I was born.
    Surrounded –– soaked –– in crass, unwanted sound
    I’m buried –– suffocated –– and forlorn.
    Consciousness invaded by loud static ––
    Ambushed –– conquered –– isolated –– snuffed ––
    Languishes while Coarseness brays ecstatic.
    The mind can’t thrive when with distractions stuffed ––
    Over-filled –– with poisonous temptations
    Instigating sullenness engaged
    In assertive –– mulish –– non-participation
    Erupting just when pointlessly enraged.
    The times have changed; they have become deranged.
    Silence, from our world’s become estranged.

    ~ FreeThinke

  2. ___________ OUR DEBT THREATS ___________

    O, Christ, why can’t we hear it through the din?
    Under what extreme conditions might we learn?
    Rape invited’s wicked, though we’re in
    Denial that our fate we richly earn.
    Everyone must someday realize
    Beating life can’t be. We’re bound to crash.
    The Law of Averages whittles down to size.
    The brightness of Ascent soon feels the lash
    Held by hidden Masters of Deceit ––
    Rapacious, ruthless, fearful and despotic ––
    Each a perfect model of conceit ––
    A joyless soul, pathetic and neurotic.
    To be at the beck and call of godless knaves
    Strengthens faith that none but Jesus saves.

    ~ FreeThinke

  3. ___________ SCHOOL GUERILLA ___________

    Schools now function more as killing fields.
    Careless parents –– cultural decay ––
    Hopeless lack of leadership that yields
    Only cowardice sure to delay

    Overcoming suicidal urges ––
    Leading always first to homicide ––
    Gives vent to pious hypocrites’ dull dirges ––
    Useless noises no one should abide.

    Evil flourishes among the lazy.
    Recalcitrance must be forever fought.
    Indolence and insolence make crazy
    Losers. When inadequately taught ––

    Legions –– long conditioned to lay blame
    Away from Self –– have made our world grow lame.

    ~ FreeThinke

  4. _________ SEEN at the WINDOW _________

    Go quickly to the window; take a look.
    Outside on the horizon past the lawn
    An army gathers set to move at dawn.
    From their demonic, sacred Holy Book
    Authority for their campaign is drawn
    To compensate for old affronts. Their aim
    Provides excuse to loot, destroy and maim
    Innocent descendants whose heads sawn ––
    Slowly, severed from their earthly frame
    In agony –– inspires holy zeal
    Beyond the soul’s capacity to feel
    Compassion –– Righteous Wrath’s eternal claim.
    Too late! The future waiting to be born
    Will in its womb be slashed, then die forlorn.

    ~ FreeThinke

  5. ___________ HARBINGERS of DOOM ____________

    Mountainous lumpy females draped in black ––
    Threatening thick black locks massed, hanging loose ––
    Faces ghastly pale, mouths drooping, slack ––
    Thick black horn-rimmed spectacles adduce

    Morbidity, while dressed in red and navy
    Silver-headed granddads watch the pair,
    Who look like they’ve been weaned on greasy gravy ––
    Thick white flesh eclipsed by savage hair.

    How could such sad, ungainly creatures spring
    From decent-looking, comely elder folk?
    What craftily demonic, beastly thing
    Could make of these sad females a cruel joke?

    Indulged, unchallenged children don’t mature.
    Instead, they vegetate, rot, become manure.

    ~ FreeThinke

  6. ___________ WITHERING SCORN ___________

    Who could say what motivates the Mob?
    Immodestly I say it isn’t I.
    The preference seems to be for those who rob
    Hope from those who still would like to try
    Elevation over Desecration ––
    Repair and not despair at what we dread.
    It seems the Mob prefers alienation ––
    Not Healing –– only Enmity instead.
    Grumbling is easier than building
    Submitting to the impulse to surrender
    Captures for the League of Fakers gilding
    Offal –– yet another sad Pretender.
    Responding to the instinct to stampede
    Never made the Tides of Fear recede.

    ~ FreeThinke

  7. _____ THE WAITING ROOM _____

    _______________ I ______________

    Devoid they are of content
    ____ or of substance.
    Skeletons softening
    ____ barely supporting overripe flesh ––
    __________ flaccid –– just this side of putrid.
    The puffy, seamed, sour faces
    ____ under preposterous clouds
    __________ of dyed, home-permanented hair
    Granny glasses wiggling
    _____ winking as they reflect
    __________ the cold fluorescent light
    Above narrow, permanently pouting
    _____ rat trap mouths
    __________ processing pushed in food
    _______________ spewing shrill whiny blasts
    ____________________ of dreary prognostication
    ___________________________ and endless admonition

    Bloated bosoms, flabby arms
    _____ endless chins, ankles thick
    __________ with knotted veins
    All bedecked indifferently
    _____ with colors and patterns
    __________ calculated to clash –– fatally ––
    _______________ with the grotesque shapes
    ____________________ they vainly seek to cover.

    And the men ––
    _____ small, silent, cowed,
    __________ beaten, hopelessly trapped
    Who listen and listen and listen
    _____ not hearing, numb,
    __________ heads bowed,
    _______________ quietly waiting ––
    ____________________ waiting –– waiting

    _____________ II _____________

    The young –– sullen –– indifferent ––
    _____ sex and cellphones
    __________ all that occupy their minds ––
    And at bottom a vague unknown
    __________ nameless dread ––
    Hair lank, uncut, unwashed
    _____ falls sans calculation
    __________ no smiles, no tears
    _______________ no winks, no nods
    Just those downcast eyes
    _____ and sullen, unfocused stares

    The boyfriends sit
    _____ grim, tight-lipped, sullen
    __________ oddly hostile
    _______________ no animation,
    ____________________ no communication

    Sometimes, the girls chatter tonelessly
    _____ nervous, reflexive, meaningless
    __________ yet somehow always about
    _______________ their empty-headed, mouthy little selves

    Meanwhile, he texts, or grunts into his cellphone
    _____ staring at the ceiling or –– unseeing ––
    __________ across the room

    The cellphone is his anchor
    _____ the center of what-passes-for his life
    __________ She is there only for him to fuck
    _______________ whenever the urge arises.

    Meanwhile, the fat, frizzy-headed females
    _____ refresh the lipstick
    __________ on their shrill, sunken mouths
    _______________ mindlessly spewing ––
    ____________________ a perfect prophecy
    _________________________ of Things
    ______________________________ to Come.

    ~ FreeThinke

  8. In my never humble opinion DEPRESSION –– especially the desire to infect others with Depression –– is rooted in EXTREME SELF-DENTEREDNESS and the lack of any natural human warmth that would motivate one suffering soul to reach out to another with the desire to ALLEVIATE suffering, and AID others in exploring ways to avoid it.

    The determined practice of Altruism [No one wants to claim it comes naturally ;-] rarely fails to lift one's Spirit above the wretchedness born of Self-Pity and unbridled Resentment.

    What is it about both the Irish and the Jews that makes them captious, eternally angry, dejected, hyper-critical of others, and markedly ungrateful for the great opportunities God accords everyone who can summon up the will to embrace Life on Life's terms?

  9. The general smallness of their daily lives?

    Great stuff, btw, if not a bit depressing. ;)

  10. Just as no one can eat your dinner for you, it is up to you –– and each of us –– to make the most of whatever opportunities –– great or small –– Fate has granted us.

    The world will never drop everything and run to anyone's side to cosset, comfort and pamper. We must learn to give that to others while never expecting or even daring to hope for any such thing in return for ourselves.

    "This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being thoroughly worn out before you're thrown on the scrap heap; the being a force of Nature instead of a feverish, selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy."

    ~ G. B. Shaw (1856-1950)

    That is our only hope for fulfillment.

  11. What is it about both the Irish and the Jews that makes them captious, eternally angry, dejected, hyper-critical of others, and markedly ungrateful for the great opportunities God accords everyone who can summon up the will to embrace Life on Life's terms?

    I hear that this play about four Dubliners is VERY LIFE AFFIRMING, FT.
    You might enjoy it.

    The IRISH are "hyper-critical of others"??? Hmmm...

  12. Beckett was also experimenting with minimalism. He'd been a researcher for James Joyce, and decided to move in the opposite direction.

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  14. I read "Dubliners", but only got halfway through "Portrait of a Young Artist" myself. I'm not a big Joyce fan, myself. But for his "subject matter", he's a very good writer. I prefer heroic, to crass, epiphanies.

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