Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Cultural Neo-Liberalism...

...Complete, with Sponsored Content!


  1. “They saw their injured country's woe; The flaming town, the wasted field; Then rushed to meet the insulting foe; They took the spear, - but left everything else.”

    Ted Cruz.


  2. Cruz is now Trump's heir apparent. Between them, the Republican Party now becomes a new creation.

  3. I'm REALLY starting to LOVE Trump...

    ... a SPACE is opening up in the RNC that never existed before. I'm pretty sure that Ted Cruz is going to own it. :)

  4. I can not in good conscience vote for anyone wearing the Republican brand that is not facing charges for hitting Trump in the mouth with a tire tool.


    Unless you want to get it in the RUMP,


    Cast aside you FEAR.
    Save your blessed REAR.
    Don't get tossed into the DUMP.


    If you loved the sainted RONALD,
    Your best chance is with The DONALD!


    The USA is in the DUMP
    Pull her out with Donald TRUMP.

  6. "Hoover's Depression was Great. Trump's Depression will be yooooooge!"

  7. lol! The only thing standing between America and an economic boom is the US government, and Trump KNOWS IT!

    The complete Trump motto is: "Make America Great Again: Sideline Government".

  8. ...and believe me when I tell you, if anybody can BREAK the government, it's Trump.

  9. ...and believe me when I tell you, if anybody can BREAK the government, it's Trump.

    By accident or by design? ;-)

  10. Please. If not for government, Donald Trump would be a nobody. He's corporate welfare with a bad hairdo. Name one Trump venture that succeeded without a government handout or bailout.

  11. By accident or by design?

    Either way is good for the economy.

    He's corporate welfare with a bad hairdo. Name one Trump venture that succeeded without a government handout or bailout.

    Exactly. Think The Donald will be giving any of his rivals sweetheart government deals and bailouts?

    There's only ONE corporation that's going to be getting those for the next four years... Trump Enterprises.

  12. "There's only ONE corporation that's going to be getting those for the next four years... Trump Enterprises."

    Hmmm... what makes you so dead certain that Trump would't want to cut 'welfare deals' with other co-one-percenters?

    Or that other co-one-percenters would't try and co-opt him into their neoliberal scheming?

  13. what makes you so dead certain that Trump would't want to cut 'welfare deals' with other co-one-percenters?

    If he was going to do that, he wouldn't run as an outsider. Now, he might "sell" access, but he'll demand a "cut". And that "cut" will require a pay-to-play pay-off for Trump Enterprises.

    The 1%er Green Energy -economy Democrats and Black -energy Republicans will BOTH have to pay Trump Enterprises to play now.

    But if it doesn't pay the Trump voters any dividends, we're no worse off than we were with the Globalist nabobs.

  14. As FinnTann said, "I know an old woman who swallowed a fly. I don't know why she swallowed that fly. Perhaps she'll die."

    A voter's only tool is his vote. Once that fails, he'll have to dsicover "other" tool's than votes.

    It's either "democratic" capitalism, or "autocratic" capitalism. Let's pretend for a little while longer that we have the former... as I'm not starving yet.

  15. Let's see if Trump can revise Adam Smith and get his friends to steer-clear from the government blond...

  16. Is this some sort of alt-right (aka naught-right) attempt to redefine Pat Buchanan's leftist fantasies as "conservatism?"

    We fought a Revolution to get rid of a king. The only reason King George III kept his head is we didn't cross the ocean to take it.

  17. The Paleo's were here long before the Neo's signed on to America keeping the world safe for investment by global capital.

  18. Draw the lines any which way. Authoritarian vs. Libertarian, central planning vs. market freedom. Pat Buchanan and his fellow naught-righties (naughtzies?) want a monarchy lording over feudal corporatists.

    Absolutely nothing classical liberal / American conservative about that. The "paleos" are just welfare statists with a hang up about melanin content.

  19. The Line they draw is at the borders of Mexico and Canada. Nothing wrong with that. AT least they see the "limits" of the welfare state... unlike the Bernie open-borders crowd.

  20. Yes, I know. Get rid of the welfare state vs. defend the welfare state against evil spending cuts and Mexicans.

    The Naughtzies are free to believe whatever the RFID chips in their corn flakes tell them to believe. Can we at least get them to stop calling themselves "right-wing?" It offends those that know better.

  21. As long as the label matches the soup inside ;)

  22. Bongo, bongo, bongo I don't want to leave the congo
    Oh no no no no no
    Bingle, bangle, bungle I'm so happy in the jungle I refuse to go
    Don't want no bright lights, false teeth, doorbells, landlords
    I make it clear
    That no matter how they coax him
    I'll stay right here

    I looked through a magazine the missionary's wife concealed
    I see how people who are civilized bang you with automobiles
    At the movies they have got to pay many coconuts to see
    Uncivilized pictures that the newsreels take of me

    So bongo, bongo, bong he don't want to leave the congo
    Oh no no no no no
    Bingle, bangle, bungle I’m so happy in the jungle I refuse to go
    Don't want no penthouse, bathtub, streetcars, taxis
    Noise in my ear
    So no matter how they coax me
    I'll stay right here

    They hurry like savages to get aboard an iron train
    And though it's smoky and crowded
    they're too civilized to complain
    When they've got two weeks vacation
    they hurry to vacation grounds
    They swim and they fish
    but that's what I do all year round

    So bongo, bongo, bongo I don't want to leave the congo
    Oh no no no no no
    Bingle, bangle, bungle I'm so happy in the jungle I refuse to go
    Don't want no jailhouse, shotguns, fish hooks, golf clubs
    I've got my spear
    So no matter how they coax me
    I'll stay right here

    They have things like the atom bomb
    So I think I'll stay where I "om"
    Civilization? I'll stay right here!

    ~ As performed by danny Kaye, Bing Crosby and The Andrew Sisters
