Saturday, July 30, 2016

Support Mindless Globalism You Reich-Wing Racists!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I really don't get the spinny title you put on this post.

    But it's a great characterisation of UKIP and Herr Farage. Nicked!

  3. One of the fundamental flaws of UKIP ideology (and it is a flaw shared by many sub-Americans) is that they don't raise their children to believe the United States of America is the greatest nation that ever can exist. Totally does not prepare them for reality.

  4. Look at third world Islamic countries like Germany, for example. Here's a nation that has never, not even once thanked us for toppling the Nazis that were deluding them into thinking they were better than Americans. As if. And lets not forget those ungrateful purple pissers in Japan that never thanked us for reducing starvation and poverty in Nagasaki and Hiroshima with atomic weapons.

    The United States of America needs to finish civilizing the planet. Our Constitution allows these sub-American failures in Europe to apply for statehood in our glorious Union. If they don't do it soon, I say round them French bastards up and pit them on reservations and let them build casinos and cigar stores.

  5. @Gert - When all opposition to global capitalism gets reduced to "racism" and "bigotry", then the global capitalists have won.

    @Beamish - 'F the planet. 54-40 or fight!

  6. Damn right! Never gonna happen with small minded leftists like Donald "make America great" Trump and Ronald "talk to Russia instead of nuking them" Reagan.

    Make America great? No. Make the world America.

  7. It's possible to oppose global capitalism (a conversation worth having) without lapsing into racism or bigotry, but it takes care: care which UKIP delights in not taking.

    Pardon me for steering well clear of Farage's recklessly-driven bandwagon, but I happen to think racism and bigotry are worth avoiding. After all, weren't the enemies for whom those nukes were invented and deployed, defined by an excess of those very qualities? Surely it is reasonable, for those of us who wish above all else to avoid another nuclear conflict, to be anxious not to allow those causative factors to get, once again, out of hand.

  8. I agree. But those on the Right who oppose global capitalism will be painted as racists regardless of their motives. It's a tactic meant to shut down conversation, and the globalist will use it at every turn. It's what Democrats in the US due to ALL Republicans, every day.

    Zizek, et al on the Left, have sewn the meme that to be "on the Right" means that we MUST have "fascist" motives and therefore MUST scapegoat some segment of society to blame the system's failures on. I do blame someone. I blame Corporate and Government LEADERS for our economic failures and social breakdown.

  9. ps - Zizek and Trotskyites have ALWAYS been globalists. Their utopia requires global economic/resource control.

  10. I have no problem with globalism as long as the goal is to have the entire population of the planet paying taxes to the United States of America.

  11. "those on the Right who oppose global capitalism will be painted as racists regardless of their motives."

    You may be correct, but that doesn't get UKIP off the hook. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to test your theory, and see what kind of reception a politically identical but rhetorically careful UKIP would get.

  12. Part of the problem here in the US is Hillary Clunton's financier Donald Trump is playing up to the left's stereotypes of Republicans - rich, racist assholes - and boosted to the nomination by winning primaries in states where there was no requirement to be a Republican to vote in them. Cheeto Jesus has no intention of posing a threat to Hillary Clinton's election, and he reaffirms this every time he opens his pie hole.

    Republicans have been punked. Can't say I feel sorry for them.

  13. "When all opposition to global capitalism gets reduced to "racism" and "bigotry", then the global capitalists have won."

    You're barking up the wrong tree. Farage and other leading Brexiteers care not one iota about Globalism.

    Many on what you would label 'Far Left' do though. They don't get branded racist because they don't indulge in any.

    You on the other hand remain firmly in denial about racism.


  14. They don't indulge in any... LOL!

  15. convertgentsum:

    "It's possible to oppose global capitalism (a conversation worth having) without lapsing into racism or bigotry, but it takes care: care which UKIP delights in not taking."


    Here's a concise history of Faragism. Enjoy!

  16. They don't indulge in any... LOL!

    Go on, give me the usual attempt at turning the table: '#All LivesMatter' and "BLM are racists" and the rest of the usual spiel. Don't forget to throw in 'Cultural Marxism', y'all! ;-)

  17. Racism is in the eye of the beholder... and seldom does that eye look in the mirror.

  18. Is Zizek a racist because he abhors "capitalism with Asian values"? Are all democracy advocates Eurocentric racists?

  19. You can certainly make the argument. But its' only the 'eye of the beholder' which lends it its' apparent validity.

  20. Affirmative action isn't the left's way of declaring minorities racially inferior and incapable of securing employment and promotions via merit and skill? Who knew?

  21. Perhaps, but subjectivity has hard limits. Surely no observer could disagree that eg. apartheid was racist? I can't speak for Zizek; but democracy is no more eurocentric than trail by jury or industrial manufacture. Affirmative action was intended to correct certain entrenched advantages, wasn't it?

  22. I much prefer more creative, new-minted terms such as CULTURIST, NATIVIST, STABILITIST, ASSERTIVIST, SATISFACTIONIST, POSITIVIST, CONVENTIONALIST, SERENITIST, etc. §;^)> to the tired, tattered, overworked, now-meaningless term "RACIST."

    And what's so wrong about being a REALIST, a PRAGMATIST, a LOYALIST, etc.?

    I also highly recommend a thorough re-examination of the true meaning of misused buzzwords such as BIGOTRY, FASCISM, ARROGANCE, BULLYING, and PRIDE, etc.

    We are DYING because of overly-aggressive NEGATIVISM, moronic precepts advocating mindless SELF-IMMOLATION, SELF-ABNEGATION, and FALSE concepts of HUMILITY.

    At any rate what is wring assumed to be "RACISM" today is really a strong aversion to the BEHAVIOR adopted by certain groups that sets them apart from and antagonistic to the established norm of a majority.

    A crude analogy: If I am thoroughly engrossed in a splendid performance of Tristan und Isolde in a seat at the Opera house for which I've paid good money, I have a RIGHT to be ENRAGED and to want to make VEHEMENT OBJECTION TO and VIOLENT REPRISAL AGAINST a wandering gang of THUGS who break into the Opera House, and rudely interrupt the performance with CATCALLS, SHOUTED OBSCENITIES, CURSES against RICHARD WAGNER as a "VICIOUS ANTI-SEMITE," and gestures THREATENING to ABUSE members of the audience physically while VANDALIZING Opera House property, etc.

    Anyone who would SUPPORT such errant behavior on the grounds that opposing it would be a violation of the delinquents' FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS should be hogtied, tarred, feathered, and ridden out of town on the proverbial rail. PERIOD!

  23. And NO, Jez, AFFIRMATIVE ACTION was initiated to DESTROY the established norms and well-earned advantages. It was NOT instituted to HELP "minorities."

    That peculiar notion was the COVER STORY dreamt up by scheming Leftist Activists aka CULTURAL M?ARXISTS to make their move to UNSEAT the legitimate power and REMOVE the privilege and prerogatives enjoyed by the people who established, guided and BUILT our nation with their unique brand of Courage, Faith and Creative Initiative, and Philosophical Insight more palatable to the ignorant, gullible masses and weak-minded, guilt0-ridden, mush-brained "Scions of Privilege" all too happy to play the role of Useful Idiots to aid the Usurper's Black-Hearted Cause.

  24. And, FJ, Thersites, et al. thank you for standing firm against arrogant idiocy, demented , self-righteous notions of idealism, and aggressive perversity as you so often do without resorting to bomb-throwing, the open exchange of hysterical personal attacks, untamed insults and the vicious trench warfare tactics we see too much of everywhere today.

    I wish I had your gift for maintaining personal integrity while remaining above the fray. Unfortunately, I never have been able to avoid calling a spade a nîgger when occasion warrants in my never humble estimation. };^)>

  25. Positivist is already a word, and I doubt you'd describe yourself as one if you knew what it meant.

  26. "Racism is in the eye of the beholder... and seldom does that eye look in the mirror."

    Yeah, right. Like that time when FJ over at Lisa's basically claimed that 'StormFront is only a White Nationalist site' (in response to Ducky pointing out she was quoting from these fascists), ROFLOL.

    Don't worry, it's all been scrubbed now, since Dopey Lisa finally read a couple of StormFront's paragraphs.

    Still, at least the village idiot (FreeStinke and his excitable CAPS) supports your views on this, that must be soooo comforting.

  27. As regards subjectivity, tell that (e.g.) to the relatives of the victims of the Holocaust.



    (Deadickated to the humorless Negativists,
    Name-callers, Accusationists, Scheisskopfen,
    and bilious SOB's who mercilessly infest the

    Tiptoe through the poo poo
    At the websites in the blogosphere, then
    Tiptoe thought through the poo poo and see
    Me try to tiptoe ‘round the witless.
    Join me quickly; do it gin-ger-ly,
    And tiptoe through the poo poo with me.

    Knee deep in doo doo we’ll sink
    Sniffing the ungodly stink,

    And when I slip slide through the doo doo
    And you do too
    Will you pardon me
    And sit down in the doo doo with me?

    And when we step out of the poo poo
    at the website
    Will you come with me,
    And wash off all the poo poo with me?

    ~ Anne Animus

  29. Anyroads, according to a major UKIP donor, isn't immigrants, it's... er, trousers! (and women wearing them!)

  30. Ooops, 'the problem isn't immigrants'

  31. Youre right. The problem isn't immigration. It's the Poo-Pooists!

    Look in the mirror, and you'll see a splendid example of just such a wretch.

  32. A show of things worthy of pride

    Will attract those compelled to deride
Any person at all

    Who has more on the ball

    Than those who enjoy being snide!

    ~ Anne Animus

  33. A fractious young Briton named Jez
    Believes everything that he says.
    He will say “Black is White,”
    And be sure he is right.
    Very soon he’ll be wearing a fez.*
    *fez A man's brimless felt cap in the shape of a flat-topped cone, usually colored red and adorned with a silk tassel, once widely worn in the Ottoman Empire and other regions with Muslim populations and still worn today in Muslim countries.

  34. Your recent contributions are of no value.

  35. "call a spade a nigger" got a chuckle out of me, in a little boys shouldn't say that but do among their peers kinda of way lol

  36. FreeThinke, you've entertained Beamish but at the cost of derailing an otherwise polite conversation.
    Whose disrupting the opera now?

  37. A gleeful romp with pure inanity

    Defends us well against insanity.

    Taking life in manner serious

    To mental health is deleterious.

    ~ FT


  38. The Irrepressible Nature of Beauty

    A bilious temperament may shower
    Many a lush and fragrant bower
    With noxious regurgitation
    Withering blooms and vegetation.
    But roots of every healthy plant
    Remain immune to toxic cant.
    And soon the stench will clear away
    As Beauty returns renewed by Decay.

    ~ FT

  39. Among the many non-delights
    Found in the blogosphere
    The intellectual termites
    Are certainly most queer.

    The time they spend is worthless
    In seeding comments sections
    With waspish, witless, mirthless
    Scoldings filled with misperceptions!

    ~ };^)>

  40. Entertaining, yes. But if the movie doesn't have gunfire, explosions, car chases, and cuss words, I ain't gonna buy a ticket ;)

    On any other day, I'd be making fun of people upset about a shovel being slurred.
