Monday, January 2, 2017

Pre-Merkelian European Post-Modernism


  1. At least the man can actually SING. Good strong voice! Bravo for that. Style quintessentially twentieth-century FRENCH –– depressed, cynical, hopeless, exhausted, on the ragged edge of despair –– NIHILISTIC.

    The dismal clothing, the dirty-looking locks of greasy, unkempt hair, the prominent use of eye makeup such as I have never seen on a man before all-but destroy his natural good looks. The tone of bitterness, anger, heartbreak and derision in the song contributes to an atmosphere of profound dejection.

    Naturally, I disapprove of this celebration of SURRENDER to CYNICISM and ULTIMATE FAILURE of the HUMAN SPIRIT.

    I see stuff like this as dangerous, because it too easily becomes self-fulfilling prophecy.

    Since Gay Paree began to welcome Gays it is no longer Gay.

    We've never gotten over the two world wars.

  2. ____________ FINDING FUN ____________

It's easier to bitch than stitch,

    It's easier to whine than mine.
It's easier to make noise than to exhibit poise.

    It's easier to say "I'm fucked," than to construct.

    To sit in the gutter counting your woes
In shit-caked jeans with a runny nose

    Ranting in puddles of frozen piss

    Demonstrates only that something's amiss.


So, in the bleak winter
Go shovel some snow ––

    ..... Cheer up the aged
...... And those who are caged
...... Some joy you might find
...... If you read to the blind
...... Don't play the whore,

    ...... Instead scrub the floor

    Now get up and go!

    In summer, each lazy laddie 

    And each slothful lass

    Should get off their ass
And go mow the grass.

    Don't pout and make wishes
Just go wash the dishes.

    If you need to find labor,
Go help your neighbor.


Demanding is easy
Producing is hard

    Protests are sleazy

    Thus saith The Bard.

    _________ EPILOGUE _________


There's always something you can do.

    Don't succumb to feeling blue.
Salvation lies through helping others

    Not thinking you deserve your druthers.

Never worry. Never fear.
Just do your best to spread good cheer.

    Needed work is never done
Effort's where we find our fun.

And if you're old, and stuck at home,
    You can always write a poem!

    ~ FreeThinke

  3. _______ A Backward Glance _______

    I gaze now in perpetual wonderment, grief 

    And sorrow at the jagged, rotting stump 

    Of the once-vital, arcing grandeur

    Of the dear and familiar tree 

    That gave me shade and comfort, 

    While all around me weeds, thorns 

    Strange, stunted saplings, and bitter fruit
Litter the parched stony soil
Beneath a pitiless, gray wintery sky.

    ~ FreeThinke

  4. So often I feel as though I were praying to BAAL to light a fire on my personal altar. (Listen to Mendelssohn's ELIJAH, and you'll get the reference.}
