Friday, February 17, 2017

Stephen Fry on the Infantilization of Culture


  1. It's more like 'infantilisation on demand', nowadays. Instant gratification through Amazon, eBay, Fleecebook, Twitter, Salon etc etc.

    Capitalism has a lot to answer for: 'shiny new things' sell a lot.

    Fry and Lorrie at the police station.

  2. Executive omlette ("you can't make an omlette without breaking eggs")

  3. The popular misconception of The Enlightenment and Darwin's Theory of Evolution as having come about because of some crying need for an adequate means of destroying faith in God, Jesus Christ in particular, and unseating and eventual dissolution kf the Institutional Church in order to promote Atheism has had tragic in sequences for Civilization.

    Need I count the ways?

    The essential truth and spiritual value of the GOSPEL was never held in contempt by most of the serious thinkers of the late-eighteenth and early-nineteenth centuries. Rather it was the faulty understanding and harmful promotion of inhumane, tyrannical, accursedly secular notions of how to establish, spread and secure the best interests of the INSTITUTIONAL [i.e. political, imperialistic, materialistic, misanthropic, purely authoritarian] CHURCH that cried out for reinterpretation and reform –– NOT the Word handed us by Jesus Christ.

    I believe the idea that originally impelled The Enlightenment was to develop a clearer, more benevolent, less intimidating, less fearsome understanding of who and what God really is, and how we might best relate to Him. Jesus did not endure what He went through in order to TERRIFY us into Submission to His Will.

    The idea of ELIMINATING God, and working sedulously to DISCREDIT, DEFAME and eventually OBLITERATE all memory of Him in public consciousness has established a Reign of Doubt, Fear, Anger, Resentment, Antagonism, Malice, Exploitation, Abuse, unparalleled Ill Will, Cynicism, and Violent Confrontation virtually unknown on such a wide scale before the twentieth century.

    Of course The Industrial Revolution along with the unparalleled Ascent of Science and Engineering, all of which came very close on the heels of The Enlightenment and Darwin's Theory, had a tremendous destabilizing, transformative effect as well. The evils these enormous changes wrought seem equal to –– and possibly more powerful than –– any of the apparent good they brought.

  4. It's amazing to see how effectively the exquisite English diction, mild-mannered gentility, aura of courtliness in the apparently genial person of the pudgy,avuncular, faintly supercilious Stephen Fry masks unswerving devotion to a pernicious, hideously destructive, perverse, ideological agenda.

  5. Rental Cars for Michelle O’s Kyoto Visit Cost $78,741


    Our Former First Lady Michelle Obama’s visit to a Buddhist Temple in Kyoto is costing taxpayers nearly $80,000 for rental cars ALONE! According to a government contract, that was made by our FORMER President.

    Mrs. Obama, who is travelling to Japan and Cambodia for a girls’ education initiative, will arrive in Kyoto, Japan, on Friday.

    According to the White House press office, “The First Lady will travel to Kyoto on March 20 and visit the Kiyomizu-Dera Buddhist Temple and the Fushimi Inari Shinto Shrine. She will also greet staff from the U.S. Consulate in Osaka.”

    Fushimi Inari Shinto is a shrine dedicated to a god of rice. Visitors of the temple can pay to go into a pitch-black basement that symbolizes the womb of Buddah’s mother.

    The temple also features the Otowa Waterfall, which has streams to cause “longevity, success at school, and a fortunate love life.”

    The cost for “Rental Vehicles for Flotus in Kyoto” is $78,741, according to a contract signed last week.

    Mrs. Obama is promoting “Let Girls Learn,” an initiative by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) that is spending $231.6 million for education programs in Nigeria, Afghanistan, South Sudan, Jordan, and Guatemala.

  6. "The popular misconception of The Enlightenment and Darwin's Theory of Evolution as having come about because of some crying need for an adequate means of destroying faith in God, Jesus Christ in particular, and unseating and eventual dissolution kf the Institutional Church in order to promote Atheism has had tragic in sequences for Civilization."

    Thsi is largely gibberish by the near-illiterate fool 'Stinker'. Who in reality suffers this misconception but a Handful of powerless freaks?

  7. I'll temper 'near-illiterate' to 'politically near-illiterate'...

  8. Oh dear! And the beat goes on, and on , and on and on, and on, ad infinitum
    Because SATAN never sleeps.

    All the more reason to Fight the Good Fight with all of our might, which only means standing up for the Truth, as it may be understood, regardless of whatever negative, ill-natured response it may bring.

  9. Why do so many avoid their best goals

    By choosing, instead, to swallow live coals?

    What is more dismal than worthy endeavour?

    Why carping, of course, and complaining forever!


Why consume precious time others reviling,

    When you might, instead, make yourself more beguiling?

    Self-immolation is good for your soul,

    But captiousness ruins your chance to be whole.

    Swallow live coals, and cause yourself grief.

    'Tis from your own store that you play the thief.


    he passing parade exhibits much folly.

    Don't add to it, Bub, instead try acting jolly.

    ~ FreeThinke



  10. Satan doesn't exist, you Medieval cave dweller.

  11. Like every other avowed Leftist-Atheist-Destructionist-Pseudo-Intellectual I've ever witnessed, you have NOTHING to offer but ill will, arrogance, boundless conceit, name-calling, incessant accusation, vilification, denigration, a bilious, desperately unattractive temperament and an odious personality.

    I am sorry you are ill, but even sorrier you feel you have a right to take it out on me and the rest of humanity.

  12. Name calling? You're the King, matey! Except with 100 % added scatologicalness, compared to amateurs like me. Do go fuck yourself, as no one else surely will...

  13. You can't even write a decent English sentence.

    Why my friend Farmer puts up with you I can't imagine, but I'm sure he has good and sufficient reason that suit purposes of his own.

    You have no discernible trace of wit, style, humor, high culture, refinement, sensitivity to beauty or awareness of higher aesthetic values. Instead you merely have a boorish, spiteful, numbingly tedious approach to conversation that proclaims you essentially uncivilized.

    Like any other obnoxious, hyper-aggressive JEW, –– which you persist in pretending not to be ––, you seem to know the PRICE of EVERYTHING, but the VALUE of NOTHING.

  14. Malia Obama, one of ex-president Barack Obama’s daughters, has recently shared devastating news with her parents. Malia, an ardent pothead, is pregnant, and the public is not sure who’s the daddy. It may be Soulja Boy, Shifty D, or a guy named Dennis from the West Wing. Of course, there’s been no talk of marriage.

  15. Like any other obnoxious, hyper-aggressive JEW, –– which you persist in pretending not to be ––, you seem to know the PRICE of EVERYTHING, but the VALUE of NOTHING.

    If I was Jewish, I'd be proud of it, trust me. But the only arseholes who have ever called me that are ANTISEMITES, grandad... Racist doofuses like Stinky Pete (you).

