Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The Hypocrisy Behind "Progressive" Support for BLM

Yo, we be as BAD as we WANT to be... ain't NO one goin' to HARASS us!

e-r-r-r-r...could somebody now please get these "uncastrated/ homeless" others out of here?


  1. I'm not quite sure where you're coming from with this one. The South Park doesn't enlighten me much. 'Splain?

  2. Okay... you're familiar w/Zizek's critique of "cultural capitalism" I'm sure. Well, Southpark, et al, have devoted episodes to urban gentrification and the "Whole Foods" phenomena... basically "cultural capitalism" at its' purest.

    Now along with "buying in" to cultural capitalism come "other" cultural imports. You'll notice the "rap" music in the video and the fact that all the people dancing to "F the police" are white. The "cause" being sung about in the rap is "minority rights"... and all the privileged snowflakes are digging it. The "poor" people in the Southpark video are working class whites who don't identify AT ALL with the cultural capital "imports". Take Kenny's House" Kenny is poor white trash. He is a "safe" non-harrassing minority... whereas the real minority's are left out of the development envelope because they aren't "safe" (castrated) minorities (even though Asians largely ARE).

    And so the people of Southpark take on some "urban values" they don't understand. And when some real "urban" issues begin to appear (the homeless in the Whole Foods parking lot)... they immediately turn to the police to "clear them out".

    Cultural capitalism is the selling of "Urban values" sans "urban problems". A form of castrated/ decaffeinated urbanism w/o the crime and muggings...

  3. Now, let's ALL move to Dubai. It's Islam w/o those dangerous Islamicists...

  4. How do you frame the stain...?

    The globalist multi-culturalists would have us believe that there are "none" (stains), that all the once dangerous cultural variations (including Islamism) have been "eliminated" or are "on the way out". The remaining peoples are living with "decaffeinated" cultures and are "just like us." There are no socio-economic class-based-variables.... rich and poor are similarly "docile"...

  5. ...non threatening, and unable to "harass" you. Castrated. Harmless. And would never, never, think to demean or degrade you OR your multi-varied "cultures".... cuz if they do... the FUZZ will BUST 'EM!

  6. Well explained, I have to say. Thanks!

  7. Zizek's arguments on cultural capitalism, multiculturalism and decaffeinated cultures are well constructed but not w/o flaws.

    Did 'non-multiculturalism' ever even really exist? Think British union and the US (a settler and immigrant nation), for instance. Or the post-war formation of the EEC (strongly and rightly promoted by the US) which ended centuries of iternecine bloodletting. Cultures will always rub somewhat against each other, of course, but non-decaffeinated ones do it worse. Intermarriage and similar mingling are great peace makers.

    OTH, multi-culti has created its own underclass of economically disadvantaged immigrants. Nowhere in Europe is this clearer than in Germany (and perhaps also France), where immigrant labour has created 'structural inequality' that Capitalism doesn't seem to be able to function without...

  8. Perhaps the Spartan agoge was the only "true" mono-culture, as even the "leaders of the Hellenes" (Sparta) held themselves distinct and apart...

    And in the case of the Americans, "out of many, one" was the motto. On every May 1st, I always celebrate the idea of choosing to belong to a new culture, and abandoning (setting fire to) an old one (And blaz'd like the tail of a comit, my brave boys). I suspect the same to be true for many UK'ers.

    And I agree, the key is intermarriage. Not the 4-wives kind of tribal alliances, but the kind in which all party's to the union move to something new and largely abandon/forget/ or render "harmless" that which they left behind (something current multi-cults are no longer required or encouraged to do).

  9. ...but then, even the best things eventually come to an end, and the tribalism returns. :(

  10. The first signs in America lay in the post-Revolutionary War split between the Officers (Cincinnati) and Enlisted (Tammany Hall) members of the Continental Army.

  11. The Tammany I honor is the Pre-Revolutionary War Tammany Society of Philadelphia... the Schuylkill Fishing Company, the Philadelphia Dancing Assemblies, the Gloucester Fox Hunting Club, The Society @ Fort St. David's (Colony @ Schuylkill)

    from a nineteenth century publication: In the first of the "Farmer's Letters," which appeared in 1768, John Dickinson writes, "Benevolence towards mankind excites wishes for their welfare and such wishes endear the means of fulfilling them. These can be found in liberty only and therefore her sacred cause ought to be espoused by every man on every occasion to the utmost of his power." In the two lines of his song—

    "Then join Hand in Hand brave Americans all,
    By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall"—

    Is the pith of all his letters; it was the motto of the times; it was the slogan which was eventually to lead the patriots to victory.

    The non-importing resolutions were made stronger, and their being adhered to by weak-kneed and avaricious brethren and looked after by the patriotic Sons of Liberty forged another link in the chain that was forming to bind the Colonies together. Men now began to talk and write of America. There was much less heard of the Colony,— more of the Colonies. There had long been a Saint Andrew's Society, founded in 1749 to look after Scotchmen, a Saint David's for the Welsh, and in 1771 a Saint George's Society had been established for Englishmen, promptly followed by the Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick for the Irish.

    It is true that the bells in Philadelphia had been rung on May 1 for some years in honor of King Tammany, (PENNA. MAG., Vol. V. p. 29.) but the American spirit had been born as the natural results of the labor through which the country was passing, and it found expression in the Saint Tammany Society, for Tammany was certainly a full-blooded American.

  12. John Dickinson was the only delegate to the Continental Congress who did NOT sign the Declaration of Independence. When war broke out, he enlisted in the Continental Army as a common soldier.

  13. Thanks for that.

    And in other news:

    In the recently founded 'Republic of Donbass' (wait, wut?), passports (and license plates too!) are now being issued. Except... you can only travel to Russia with them! Maybe they should come with a dented pingpong ball, since as these Donbassians seem so easy to please? ;-_

  14. The only Donbassian I've met on a science forum turned out an extreme dumbass, full of anti-Western conspiracy BS. Claimed among other things the US had 'invented AIDS'... you know, for that world-wide population cull by the Illuminati?

    I feel for these fools, caught up in a geopolitical game for markets and resources that they clearly don't understand and can't affect.

  15. I hear you. I don't know which would be worse, the Russian mafia, or the "free" market globalist rape.

  16. Yes, to be cannon fodder is no joke.
