Friday, March 10, 2017

A Word from Our Sponsor...

“The mass media serve as a system for communicating messages and symbols to the general populace. It is their function to amuse, entertain, and inform, and to inculcate individuals with the values, beliefs, and codes of behavior that will integrate them into the institutional structures of the larger society. In a world of concentrated wealth and major conflicts of class interest, to fulfil this role requires systematic propaganda.”
― Noam Chomsky, "Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media"


  1. __ TO NOAM CHOMSKY __

    You have nothing to gain
    With your claim to be sane.
    It is arrantly bogus,
    And designed to befog us.
    What you claim to know
    Proves your mind didn't grow
    Past the primitive stage
    Of infantile rage,
    So you haven't the brain
    To stay out of the rain!

    ~ Anne Animus

  2. Nevertheless, Chomsky's analysis of the purpose of Pop Culture as presented by the Enemedia is correct.

    However, his apparent approval –– and implied ENDORSEMENT –– of this disgusting, perverse, and wholly destructive phenomenon gives ample proof of his putridly perverse, patently parochial outlook on the world.

    Noam Chomsky is a REVOLTING SPECIMEN of HUMANITY. A modern JEWISH intellectual! UGH!

  3. I don't think it was an endorsement so much as a statement of fact.

  4. 'Ere we go again with the vacuous Jooo-bashing.

    Stinker's grandad told him to fear two things: Commies under yer bed and Joos in yer closet. Little Stinker never got over those admonishments.

    An'e still fears Baby Jeebus too...

    Now let me watch that video.

  5. The Chomsky quote is of course 100 % correct, like so much of what the man writes.

    It'll be a sad day when that giant is no longer with us.

  6. You Jewish? Love your nails!

  7. Gert...

  8. Gert...

  9. " don't think it was an endorsement so much as a statement of fact."

    All of us "endorse" the phenomenon by allowing ourselves to be persuaded –– or SEDUCED –– into becoming Worshippers of SHIT.

    The Chomskys of this world live neither to "INSTRUCT" or "ENLIGHTEN," but to CONFUSE, DISORIENT, PERVERT, and DEMORALIZE.

    That has been the primary role of "Jewish intellectuals" for a very long time,

    Of course, we should remember that there have been a good many "Jewish Intellectuals" who are NOT ethnic Jews in fact. Pope Francis the Talking Ass is certainly a good case in point. People of his sad ilk, however, are the willing VICTIMS of Intellectual Aggression perpetrated BY authentic Jewish Intellectuals who have, need, been a SEMINAL INFLUENCE in shaping the horrors that largely defined the twentieth century.

    The torrents of bitterness, mockery, sarcasm, bilious vituperation, vindictive denunciation and naked FURY that any reference to the existence of Jewish Intellectual Aggression generates from today's Establishment gives ample proof of the truth of my contention.

    All things GOD –– and all things BAD –– have their origin in someone's imagination. Doesn't that tell you that the content, quality and INTENT of any ideology or interpretation of religious dogma we choose to embrace is of the utmost importance?

  10. That's actually quite interesting, Beamish. Thanks for that!

  11. The torrents of bitterness, mockery, sarcasm, bilious vituperation, vindictive denunciation and naked FURY that any reference to the existence of Jewish Intellectual Aggression generates from today's Establishment gives ample proof of the truth of my contention.

    Fixed that for you:

    The torrents of bitterness, mockery, sarcasm, bilious vituperation, vindictive denunciation and naked FURY that any reference to the existence of Conservative Populistl Aggression generates from today's Establishment gives ample proof of the truth of my contention.


  12. Gert, that was a parody of Chomsky I linked above lol

  13. Gert, that was a parody of Chomsky I linked above lol

  14. FT: Chomsky neither approves nor endorses the phenomenon he describes. Your obsession with Chomsky's identity as a Jewish intellectual robs you of the patience required to understand what he is actually saying. In fact, your criticism of him is unfounded; I believe you would agree with many of his theories regarding eg. the media, if you could bare to entertain them for long enough to understand them.

  15. Gert, that was a parody of Chomsky I linked above lol

    Does that make it 'uninteresting'? LOL.

  16. Well, Gert, I have fooled a leftist into believing it was genuine lol

  17. Well, Gert, I have fooled a leftist into believing it was genuine lol
