Saturday, April 8, 2017

Hearty Mash


  1. Nice TITS! Not much of a FACE, though, and hairless pussy don't do much for me. Sorry!

  2. OK, I get i now–– a I think!

    Sort of takes up where Dali and Tchelichew left off –– it's SURREALISM in MOTION accompanied by an updated approximation of ancient religious chants –– a bit like Carl Orff's Carmina Burana (1936) a setting of 11th century earthy, bawdy quasi-liturgical songs written by clerics and university students satirizing the Catholic Church (!)

  3. Not exactly. I saw the movie last Sunday 3-D IMAX. It was rated a "flop". Best movie of the last few years.

  4. The original anime is better. Scarlet Johanssen couldn't act her way out of paper bag with a flashlight and a map.

  5. A painted cell can't act at all.

  6. Perhaps, but SJ had one job... be a robot. Failed.

  7. We wull never.... NEVER... see a Black Widow movie SJ has to carry herself.

  8. We wull never.... NEVER... see a Black Widow movie SJ has to carry herself.

  9. Perhaps, but SJ had one job... be a robot. Failed.

  10. 110 % top video.

    Great find!

    The future belongs to Robo Sapien. (Embrace the cold embrace).

    Good post. 10/10.

  11. "Scarlet Johanssen couldn't act her way out of paper bag with a flashlight and a map."

    You're a nutcase: always have been and always will be. A macho crackpot with an Electra complex.

    SJ is a great actress. See e.g. 'Lost in Translation'.

    Go practice your survival skills, you ratfucker.

  12. Whoa. Blizzards in spring.

    Melt away, snowflake.

  13. SJ's "Ghost in the Shell" is a flop because... she can act? There will never be an Avengers spin-off Black Widow movie because... she can act?

    You seem rather emotional vested in the fact that people who actually make a living nailing down talented actors and actresses for movies don't have Scarlet Johanssen on speed dial.

    Pssst. It's because she sucks.

  14. "Okay Scarlet, we need you to be a free-spirited Japanese girl brought back to life in this robot body, just like the epic anime philosphical thriller. Can you do that?"


  15. Why pay a cr*p actress $17.5 million then, beamish? Are her "peers" THAT stupid?

  16. "You know, Ghost in the Shell. The classic anime."

    "Wuts anime?"

    "Jesus. Just prance around and call yourself a Ghost in the Shell."

    "Like this movie does?"

    "Sick burn, Scarlet. Stick your tits out more."

  17. Scarlet Johannsen was cast because Andy Serkis was busy.

  18. Still doesn't explain the paycheck.

  19. Melt away, snowflake.

    SNOWFLAKE??? Oh, you stupid TWAT.

  20. Anyone who has Beaker for a friend has a few screws loose. QED.

  21. I'm guessing you've visited Beak's blog more in the last week than I have in the last 5 years, Gerty Snowflake.

    How's his turtle?

  22. Still doesn't explain the paycheck.

    After this flop, it's a paycheck she'll never command again. See, word of mouth spreads and the subset of the human race that are anime fans in general and GitS fans in specific have heard the live action rendition of the anime sucks. Others, like Scarlet Johannsen, who have never seen or heard of the original anime, come away from the movie thinking it was just a stupid movie rather that a faithless remake of a classic. Either way, the movie didn't return on its investment. It sucks.

  23. As for stupid paychecks, we live in a world where Beyonce has twice as much money as Mitt Romney.

  24. Have you seen the live action version?

    There is an ancient Sufi parable about coffee: "He who tastes, knows; he who tastes not, knows not."

  25. _________ A CRITIQUE _________

    A rebarbative poet named Plath, 

    Who was filled with revulsion and wrath,

    Was best known not for smiling

    But rage and reviling ––

    The mark of a true psychopath.

    She worked herself into a lather

    In an orgy of hate for her father.

    The poor creature was doomed

    As vile passion consumed

    Her whole life, which seemed not worth the bother.

    So, she stuck her poor head in the oven,

    Because she knew nothing of lovin.’

    If she’d been more Bourgeois,

    She’d have gone to a Spa,

    Forgotten her Pa, and got movin.’

    The sad saga of Sylvia Plath.

    For whom much distaste I do hath.

    Might have ended more merrily;

    I asseverate verily,

    If her soul had been giv’n a hot bath!

    And a diet of rich chocolate malts

    Along with a good dose of salts

    Administered gaily

    On schedule daily

    To purge her of her grievous faults!

    ~ Anne Animus };-)>
