Sunday, April 2, 2017

How the Left Views the Trumpists...

On the Left's Inability to Understand a Form of Capitalism Which Respects National Borders... and so they Confuse the Economic and Social Spheres... as this had Once been a Problem in the Twentieth Century in Another Nation State


  1. LOL! People voted for Trump for all sorts of reasons, but mostly because they wanted to shake sh!t out of the "establishment." It's a dangerous way to do it, but we did, sort of. Actually, most people voted against him, but again, not because they were happy with the "establishment," but because they were afraid Trump would be too dangerous. Hillary is pure status quo. But ethno-nationalistic fervor is dangerous pack of matches, and it was a significant part of his shtick. Got the yokels howling. So that concerned people, as it should. But no, the Left does not see all Trump "supporters" as dangerous fascist radicals. Most understand that voters for and against him have many mixed feelings about that whole thing.

    But right now Trump has some much bigger league problems. He has got to clear the Vodka out of the air in the White House, or he's not going to be President very long.


  2. What you don't understand is the significance of Russia.... this ain't yer Cold War Russia. Its the economic future.

  3. Russia is a money pit filled with mafia. Canada has a bigger economy. Russia will not be the future of economic anything until they can provide a stable republic with law and order that can protect investment and property. Putin is a joke and his admirers fools.



    ___________ ~ or ~ ___________

    ___ Bolshevism Revisited ___

    A Leftist caught in doubt
    Lifts up his head to shout:

    Your treatment is unfair,
    You bully! How you dare
    To question my veracity
    With cruel, hard-eyed tenacity
    I do not know. My views
    Which boldly you accuse
    Of being falsely ranked
    In truth are sacrosanct.

    My thoughts are Holy Writ.
    Your thoughts are quite unfit;
    Based on selfish fears
    They inspire tears
    And dare to say the blame
    Lies squarely in the frame
    Of those whose failing lives
    Look to him who thrives
    And say: Your gold is mine,
    You greedy, bloated swine.
    You have more than you need.
    It's up to you to feed
    Me, the ill and weak,
    Else Heaven that you seek
    Will ever be denied.

    And I will see your hide
    Shredded, tanned and dried.
    And hung outside the gates
    Of each neighborhood that hates
    The needy and the poor,
    Who soon will storm your door
    And drag you from your bed
    And then lop off your head.
    While the masses you denied
    Will ever take great pride
    Your ignominious demise
    Was effected in the guise
    Of condign righteous wrath
    Giving Bourgeois digs a bath.

    With stolen food and goods
    We'll raze your neighborhoods
    And laugh to see you hurt
    Dying in the dirt.
    We live for your demise.
    We thrive on righteous hate.
    It is by now too late
    To make a plan to stop us
    End the Founder's opus.
    Our Marx destroyed your God.
    He's in - not on - the sod
    Feeding nematodes
    In their dark abodes.

    With mockery and shrill
    Sarcastic gibes we kill.
    We drool with sheer delight
    At the thought of endless night.
    Where everything that's witty,
    Charming, gracious, pretty
    Slumps to the nitty gritty,
    As we revel in the dung
    Corrupting all your young.

    For 'we are the little folk, we
    Too little to love or to hate.
    Leave us alone, and you'll see
    How quickly we'll drag down the state.'*

    ~ FreeThinke (2007)
    * Rudyard Kipling

  5. The Democrats have balls of brass.
    Conservatives’ are made of glass.

    The former sound in far lands hinter;
    That latter shatter, then they splinter.

    Giving the Old Nick his due
    Never works out well for you.

    ~ FreeThinke

  6. If crewmen kill the Captain, the Boatswain and First Mate,

    Who'd be left to guide and save them from a dreadful fate?

    Who would know how to pursue their proper, urgent goals?
    Who'd prevent the ship from breaking up out on the shoals?

    ~ Guidance from Minerva

  7. Whene'r unpleasant truths are told

    A leftist soon shows up to scold.

    Facts unflattering revealed

    To leftists will rejection yield.

    When someone dares the truth to tell
A leftist soon says, "Go to hell!"

    But staring at a looking glass

    He should see a horse's ass!

    Yet he sees only beauty there

    And his bald head replete with hair.

    ~ Richard Bonhomme

  8. ___ A View from the Right ___

    Most liberals are very bright,

    But tend to be perverted.
They love the dark and fear the light,

    And will not be converted.

    They answer legalistically
Each charge and witticism.

    With hauteur drawn statistically

    They mock each criticism.

    The Truth does not engage them;

    They won't admit they're wrong.

    Facts they don't like enrage them,

    So resistance grows more strong.

    They either will ignore you,

    Or treat you to ridicule,
Then brazenly they'll bore you

    Telling you that you're a fool.

    The process is unending

    A matter of attrition.

    Their strength lies in not bending
    They'll never feel contrition.

    ~ FreeThinke

  9. The needs and views of Jews
    Are forever in the news,
    While billions of the Red Chinese,
    The Taiwanese and Japanese
    The Lebanese and Portuguese
    Are treated like so many fleas.

    And Sub-Saharan Africans
    And all the South Americans
    And 20-million Mexicans
    Might just as well be garbage cans
    That’s not hard to believe
    From attention they receive.
    While Scandinavias and the Finns
    Get no reports for their losses or wins.

    Perhaps the non-Jews should be greedier
    For attention from the media?

    ~ ];^}>

  10. ___ To A Freedom Fighter ___

    You drink a bitter draught.
    I sip the tears your eyes fight to hold
    A cup of lees, of henbane steeped in chaff.
    Your breast is hot,
    Your anger black and cold,
    Through evening's rest, you dream
    I hear the moans, you die a thousand's death.
    When cane straps flog the body
    dark and lean, you feel the blow,
    I hear it in your breath.

    ~ Maya Angelou (1928-2014)

    _______ TO WHICH I SAY _______

    There's no business like Woe Business
Like no business I know.

Everything about it is appealing ––

    The world must stop to sooth my fevered brow.
My pathetic state lets me keep stealing ––

    And then demanding you to me must bow.

    There're no artists like con artists

    Who want you to feel low. 

    They use their pathos to make slaves of us to hold

    And toss our naked butts in the cold

    And they'll never cease till they've got all our gold

    Let's get on with the WOE
LET's get on with the WOE!

    ~ Oivingk Boylin

  11. ______ Why Be A Democrat? _______

    Willfulness is part of what it takes;
    Haughtiness makes a component too.
    Yearning for a better life’s heartaches
    Beset by Self-Deception’s shuttered view

    Earns suicidal urges ‘mongst the Rich,
    And fosters dreams of Vengeance in the Poor
    Deny this truth? You’re apt to lose your niche
    Ending up locked outside your own door.

    Money too diffused loses its power.
    Our hope to see Equality for All
    Creates a fractious mental climate sour
    Resulting in Revolt bound to appall.

    A misperception of our truest needs
    Traps us where upon ourselves we feed.

    ~ FreeThinke


    __ Or What’s So Especially Bad __
    __ About Chemical Weapons? __

    Apparently, it’s AOK
    To mow ‘em down with bullets,
    But don’t dare try to kill ‘em off
    By poisoning their pullets.

    It’s all right too when bombs
    Rain from aloft or on the level,
    But when you kill with poison gas,
    You’re in league with the Devil.

    Lock ‘em in a building,
    Then burn it to the ground.
    By judges at The Hague
    You’ll not be guilty found.

    Go drag them from their cells
    Into a courtyard to be shot.
    The World Court will not chide you,
    Nor tell you “Thou shalt not.”

    Take mothers, babies, toddlers ––
    Grandmas –– anyone who thrives ––
    Then hack them with machetes
    And bayonets to end their lives.

    Rape and loot and strangle,
    Garrote or stab at will ––
    Of you The World Community,
    I promise, won’t think ill.

    Set ‘em loose in wood or field,
    Then hunt ‘em down like game;
    Let half-dead bodies lie unhealed.
    You won’t lose your good name.

    Rob and cripple, maim at will ––
    Dislocate their joints.
    Multiculturalists will know
    You must have your good points.

    Gouge their eyes out, slit each tongue.
    Sodomize, impale their young.
    Club ‘em down, then crush with tractors.
    Brussels won’t call you bad actors.

    BUT, urinate upon the corpse
    Who tortured your best buddy,
    And you’ll be tossed in the stockade
    With nose broken and bloody.

    And should you dare to wipe yourself
    With leaves from the the Koran,
    ‘Tis YOU The World Community
    Will call BARBARIAN!

    ~ FreeThinke
