Monday, April 10, 2017

Selling Out Rebellion to Generate InterPassivity

"You can't come out on a record dissing the system and be on a label that's connected to the system."


  1. hope alls well with u FJ..
    Have a beautiful holiday week despite the complete insanity around us my friend..Syria?..Good Lord! hugzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz:)

  2. All's well here (despite the insanity). Have a pleasant Passover!

  3. unfortunately I like this song.


  4. Using discontent to sell product only sustains the "system" you're protesting against...

  5. You okay, FJ?

    He's okay. Just "busy".;-)

  6. Using discontent to sell product only sustains the "system" you're protesting against...

    Very true.

  7. I'm okay. Just "busy". :(

    Me too.

  8. Don't forget, you have a date with THE CROSS tomorrow.

    See y'all on GOLGOTHA.

    _______ PASSION DOODLE _______

    Lord Jesus Christ has come to town
    a riding on a donkey
    The Romans saw a challenge
    tried of Him to make a monkey.

    Hail! King Jesus of the Jews
    riding on a burro
    Shout hosannas loud today
    then crucify tomorrow.

    Jesus took His followers
    into the Upper Room
    He fed them on His body and blood
    and told them of His doom.

    Then to Dark Gethsemane
    a praying in the garden
    Begging of His father
    from His bitter cup to pardon.

    Peter, faithless, thrice denied
    that His Lord he kneweth
    Judas kissed Him in betrayal
    evil from him speweth.

    “Hail, King Jesus of the Jews!”
    shouted in derision
    Drag your cross to Golgotha
    that is the crowd’s decision.

    Then they crowned Him cruelly
    with strands of pyrocanthus,
    Nailed Him to the dogwood tree
    which broke His feet and hands thus.

    Gentle Jesus, meek and mild,
    only said, “Forgive them”
    Of the crowd and soldiers wild’
    who knew not He’d outlive them.

    After tortures barbarous
    He said, “I have a thirst.”
    They only gave Him vinegar
    which really was the worst.

    Gentle Jesus, meek and mild,
    then gave up the Ghost
    Broken and defamed, reviled
    just like a Friar’s Roast!

    Then, they laid Him in a tomb
    with all the Marys weeping
    She who bore him in her womb
    thought He’d be always sleeping.

    But, He showed them three days hence
    when He was resurrected
    That the worst developments
    by faith can be corrected.

    ~ FreeThinke
