Thursday, June 22, 2017

Forgotten Histories

1 comment:

  1. _______... NOTICE ... _______

    _ Your Prayers are Needed _

    ___ JERSEY McJONES ____

    Our Beloved Friend and Favorite Antagonist
    is Gravely Ill and Fighting for His Life
    in a Battle with Metastatic Cancer.

    We ask those of you who pray
    please to pray for his recovery,
    and the well-being of his wife
    and family.

    We ask those who do not believe
    in the power of prayer please to take
    a few moments each day to send
    your kindest thoughts and fondest
    hopes his way.

    Right Now the Guy Needs All the Help He can Get.
    The Least We Could Do Would Be to Consider Him
    and Hope for His Return to Good Health
    in Our Thoughts and Prayers.


    ~ FreeThinke
