Friday, June 2, 2017

Stop the Presses! The President Made a Typo!

...and some say that the media isn't being "overly" critical of Trump


  1. This oh-so-clever little smart-assed, self-absorbed faggot just HAS to be a KIKE, right? Yeah, GOTTA be! [Hi there, Gert, baby, how're ya doin'? ;-]

    Kerfuffles, from nothing he's making kerfuffles.
    And suddenly we see inanity from sea to sea.
    Kerfuffles, sing it loud it's like asses braying
    Sing it soft, it's a mantis preying ...
    Kerfuffles lurk 'neath everyone's bed ruffles.


    K-E-R-F-U-F-F-L-E-S are a pain
    Every wicked cuss will make a fuss
    'Cause he just adore inflicting pain.

    K-E-R-F-U-F-F-L-E-S to a fag
    Make great grist for when he's pissed
    And hopes to make you want to gag.

    We know he's got Trump on the brain
    And so his fat rump's feeling pain.
    But when he screams,"Trump is stupid and he's mean,"
    We know he's only making his snotty kerfuffles,
    'Cause he's a screaming quean!


    Doorknobs and bedposts, and broomsticks make dildoes
    Faggot's fat fannies are nothing but Thrill Ho's
    Searching for sausage to fill gaping maws
    Mocking and breaking each one of God's laws.

    When the scuffles top bed ruffles make kerfuffles at the door,
    You put out the fire, and quickly retire, and hope no one's called The Law!

    NOW, can you name the TUNE to which eac h of these vulgar, hastily-contrived bits of whimsy was written?

  2. The second one was OKLAHOMA, believe it or not.

    Just be glad we can't transmit sound on these blogs, or I would have sung it for you. (:-o

  3. Your link tells me that even a pointedly irreverent, utrageous old reprobate such as I is capable of realizing that "Freedom of Expression" can sometimes be carried M-U-C-H TOO FAR.



    You go home and drop your panties
    Then well shack up in our shanties
    And we’ll drop down low ––
    Low Low Low!
    Then we’ll make kerfuffles
    In the midst of snuffles
    Scuffling to Kerfuffle-o!

    And when The Donald comes a-calling
    To get a piece of action, dear,
    We’ll tell him that he’s appalling,
    And he should stick it in his ear!

    Then we’ll kick away our panties
    As we shack up in our shanties
    While we’ll drop down low ––
    Low Low Low!
    Then we’ll make kerfuffles
    As we make loud snuffles
    Scuffling to Kerfuffle-o!

  5. I need to shuffle off to Buffalo, now! Ciao!

  6. Be sure to give my kerfuffles to Lake Erie!

  7. ONE MORE for the ROAD

    There she is, Miss Kerfuffllica!
    There she is your schlemiel.
    Quean to the old farts everyone should pity
    Trapped in shitty Joo Yawk City
    She will sing for you a ditty
    Mocking all that most think pretty.

    There she is, Miss Kerfuffllica!
    There she is your schlemiel.
    A professional mockey beyond the norm
    With her smart ass, feminized face and form
    So there she is ––
    Mincing on air she is ––,
    Miss Kerfufflica!

  8. Turnabout IS fair play, ain't it?

  9. You're the schlemiel of some liberal's eye as you strut your body on the run way strip
    A mirage for both you and us. How can you be real?
    We love your body in that magazine, your home state sure must be proud
    You're queen of the United States, or have you lost your crown

    Well aren't you Miss Kerfuffllica
    Don't you Miss Kerfuffllica
    Won't you Miss Kerfuffllica
    Our love

    Well are you really who you think you are
    Or does your dream seem to wear you down
    This girl who you once were is screaming to jump out
    This dream that you must live - a disease for which there is no cure
    This roller coaster ride you're on won't stop to let you off

    Well aren't you Miss Kerfuffllica
    Don't you Miss Kerfuffllica
    Won't you Kerfuffllica
    Our love

    Miss Kerfuffllica, Miss Kerfuffllica
    Miss Kerfuffllica, Miss Kerfuffllica

    Well it's true just take a look - The cover sometimes breaks the book
    And the judges, do they ever ask to read between your lines
    And in your cage at the human zoo, they all stop to ogle you
    Next year, what will you do after you have been forgotten

    Well aren't you Miss Kerfuffllica
    Don't you Miss Kerfuffllica
    Won't you Miss Kerfuffllica
    Our love

  10. And may a definitive fit of Cataleptic Covfefe come to you, Kerfufflica amoroso de troppo anima perdita.

