Saturday, July 1, 2017

How to Organize a Left-Wing Coup...

Have and widely communicate a 5-Step coup plan to take advantage of the next crises, but justify your coup planning on the moral inadequacy of the existing government. Make sure that your followers believe that ANY opposition they might meet in resisting the 5-Step coup is evidence of nefarious intent by the existing government to establish an authoritarian dictatorship.

The parasitic Left impatiently await's it's next opportunity to usurp a crisis...


  1. The LEfT doesn't USURP crises, it FOMENTS them most often by callously and hypocritically EXPLOITING legitimate grievances to aid in the Left's ceaseless, ruthless qest to achieve DICTATORIAL POWER.

    Anyine who thnks otherwise is either naive, incredibly stupid or profo\indly EVIL

  2. It also usurps them. They didn't "cause" hurricane Katrina, they merely "usurped" it and used it as a bludgeon to bash Bush.
