Tuesday, July 11, 2017

The Fear of SIlence

I have not heard silence
more than in music

the hollow of a bell
the harmony of a singer
the puncturing of a drum

excavates a sanctuary
inside my skull, there I capture
strains of music that belong
to a realm without sound
desert where silence performs for silence

when I no longer have thirst
I will be able to stay there
a symphony of deafness will congregate
I will hear nothing
but the absence of myself
- Author Unknown


  1. They’ll find me soon
    I know they will
    I need to be alone.

    Their nattering demands are shrill,
    They chill me to the bone.
    The thumping, bawling whining drone ––

    Persistent raucous blast ––
    Seeks each secret hiding place ––
    Shatters every caste.

    They’ll find me soon,
    I know they will,
    But till they do I’ll fight ––

    Eccentric –– lost ––
    But steeled against ––
    The Realm of Endless Night.

    ~ FreeThinke (1982)

  2. ______________ The Boombox _____________

    Nestled in a quiet glade so still
    One could hear a fluttering sparrow’s wing,
    Immersed in prayerful thought, I’d like to kill that
    Squawking, howling, growling, thumping thing

    Engrossing –– eating up –– my sacred space,
    Projecting Social Cancer at my head.
    Overtaking prayer it chokes like mace.
    Like mace it stings then stuns. My mind, well-fed,

    Leaps to battle the Invading Force,
    Usurping all my rights to meditate.
    The minions of the militantly coarse
    Idolize the fiends who violate

    Our right to think and feel from deep within
    Negating all that’s good with fearful din.

  3. _________ Deafening Decay _________

    Delight to some, to others desecration
    Eradicating every single chance
    At peaceful, soul-enriching contemplation
    Fostering the hope for sweet romance.
    Ears and mind, instead, sit stunned –– assaulted.
    Noxious noise befouls the atmosphere
    In throbbing pseudo-ecstasy exalted
    Neutralizing all that’s clean and clear.
    Ground out tones smacking of self-pity
    Degrade the mise en scene where they appear,
    Erasing what’s not grubby, gross or gritty
    Catering, instead, to our worst fears.
    Aggravation never ceasing breeds
    Yammering lemmings aping Satan’s leads.

    ~ FreeThinke

  4. __________ Musical Toilets

    Mistaken notions in the world abound ––
    Unheard of at the time when I was born.
    Surrounded –– soaked –– in crass, unwanted sound
    I’m buried –– suffocated –– and forlorn.
    Consciousness invaded by loud static ––
    Ambushed –– conquered –– isolated –– snuffed ––
    Languishes while Coarseness brays ecstatic.
    The mind can’t thrive when with distractions stuffed ––
    Over-filled –– with poisonous temptations
    Instigating sullenness engaged
    In assertive, mulish non-participation
    Erupting just when pointlessly enraged.
    The times have changed; they have become deranged.
    Silence, from our world’s become estranged.

    ~ FreeThinke

  5. ____________ Stillness ____________

    No sound beyond the dropping of the leaves
    Or shushing in the treetops of the stirring
    In the air and periodic whirring
    Soft of wings and bundling of sheaves ––

    Every now and then a bird may call
    Looking for or longing for his mate;
    Escaping still the hunter’s dinner plate.
    Scythes swish steadily as grain grown tall

    Submits to delicate compelling force.
    Workers silently bent to their task
    Over whom hot sunshine spills its rays

    Reap swiftly knowing pain could come, of course.
    Later, in the afterglow they’ll bask
    Dreaming foolishly of better days.

    ~ FreeThinke

  6. __________ Summer Soliloquy __________

    Alone I walk down shady woodland paths.
Bright sunshine filtered through the trees

    Dapples the ground beneath my questing feet.

    Here at last I am alone with God.

    Farther on a little pool catches 

    And reflects the filtered light which beckons

    Kindly like a White Witch of the Wood.

    I feel a thrill without a trace of fear.

    I cannot stop myself from moving closer

    Toward the Edge to see the Tadpoles swimming
In myriad stages of development.

    I feel a wish to be part of their world.

    The pool is a Mirror enabling me to see

    Myself more clearly in a tranquil light;

    Also an Eye that opens the mysteries of 

    The Universe to peace-filled understanding.

    ~ FreeThinke (1956)

  7. ___ SNOW HAIKU ___

    Fresh snow at sunset
    Trees glistening quietly
    In pink and copper tones.

    Snow covered branches
    Thaw, then turn to crystal lace
    Gleaming in sun light.

    Melting on the ground
    As snow deserts the branches
    Black twigs claw the sky.

    ~ FreeThinke

  8. The secret to combatting ADD
Lies in taking one thing you think great
Into splendid isolation where no sounds

    Or sights assault the senses with distractions

    Concentrate on learning to ignore

    Stray thoughts and wayward influences crude
Self-discipline becomes its own reward
Examine only one thing at a time

    Pop Culture we must come to recognize

    As the enemy of Reason and good work.

    Learn to cherish silence so you can

    Listen to your heart and see within.

    Monasticism may seem too austere,

    But retreating from the world pays dividends

    It deepens your perceptions as it hones
    Improvement in your character and views,

    And aids in helping you learn to eschew
    The tawdriness that saps your strength, and then
Impoverishes every part of you.

    ~ FreeThinke

    ~ RBT - 8/26/15



    Divorce yourself from everything that's "pop"
    Visualize a cabin in the pines
    Close by a silver lake or sparkling stream
    Detached from every aspect of the grid.
    Chop wood, fetch water so you may survive
    Eating fresh caught fish or game you kill
    Along with berries, nuts, and tasty leaves.
    Carry with you a supply of books
    Writing paper and a clutch of pens
    Allow yourself an oil lamp for the night
    Embrace austerity, and get to know
    Yourself, and only what may be essential
    To survival in the coming winter months.
    Emulating Thoreau may provide
    The antidote to hellish modern life.

    ~ FreeThinke
