Tuesday, August 22, 2017

I See NAZI's!

Let those who will of friendship sing,
And to its guerdon grateful be,
But I a lyric garland bring
To crown thee, O, mine enemy!

Thanks, endless thanks, to thee I owe
For that my lifelong journey through
Thine honest hate has done for me
What love perchance had failed to do.

I had not scaled such weary heights
But that I held thy scorn in fear,
And never keenest lure might match
The subtle goading of thy sneer.

Thine anger struck from me a fire
That purged all dull content away,
Our mortal strife to me has been
Unflagging spur from day to day.

And thus, while all the world may laud
The gifts of love and loyalty,
I lay my meed of gratitude
Before thy feet, mine enemy!
Lucy Maud Montgomery, "To My Enemy"


  1. Whenever a brave White American marches in favor of preserving his cultural identity and righftul heritage ...

    I do NOT SEE a NAZI.

    When leftist agitators march hoping to uspet the Nation's Apple Cart ...

    I smell a Commie PLOT, SEE?

    ~ Justin Thyme

  2. It's not a Commie plot. By tearing down the monuments, the activists are just creating "safe spaces" and enforcing the New Jim Crow (there is no "White" culture, just a "Universal" one with no White's in it.

  3. It THAT ain't a Commie Plot I can't imagine what one would be. Of COURSE it's a Commie Plot in the metaphorical if not in the iteral sense.

    I do NOT SEE a NAZI anywhere in sight,
    But under every bed lurks a Commie PLOT. SEE?

    Get it? };^)>

    Its a Ha Ha.

  4. ...but, but, but...it's a SAFE Space. What's wrong with a SAFE Space??? You don't like my anti-harassment monitors and re-education camps to enforce MY Universal" values? That's very self-centered of you!
