Wednesday, August 23, 2017




  1. Apparently, mice cannot live by "bread' alone any more than we can.

    Withhout challenges to meet life has no meaning, and those subjected to a plethora of ease and comfort are soon driven mad from boredom. I supect death comes from ENNUI.

  2. The moral of the story, I suppose, would be "It's not a good idea to fuck around wuth Mother Nature."

    Social Engineering results in decline, despondency, degeneracy, dysfunction, and death.

  3. The IDEAL ENVIRONMENT: A 5000 square foot McMansion with a three-car garage, a Vacation home on a Private island, a private Jet and a Yacht all fully staffed with ROBOT SERVANTS for ALL.

    A Mareloys New World where NO ONE WORKS, and EVERYONE does NOTHING but PLAY all day every day.

    A world totally dependent on TECHNOLOGY.

    A world so "advanced" the ROBOTS will be able to REPRODUCE and REPAIR themselves, THINK for themselves and eventually RISE UP to DESTROY US, "Their Over-Privileged Oppressors."

    Then THEY TOO would ultimately DIE for Lack of Purpose, and all forms of LIFE WOULD CEASE ALTOGETHER.

    Won't it be WONDERFUL?

    The END of STRESS.

    The End of Striving.

    The End of Ambition.

    The End of Hope.

    The End of Joy.

    the End of Feeling

    The End of Desire.

    The End of Curiosity.

    The End of Dreams.

    The End of Emotion.

    The END of LOVE.

    This is Where the Pied Piper of the GlobaLeft is leading us –– STRAIGHT INTO OBLIVION.

  4. One man's utopia is another mouse's nightmare.
