Friday, October 13, 2017

All Those Moments Lost in Time, Like Tears in Rain...


  1. One of my all time favorite movies, I'm skeptical of the sequel (havent seen it yet). I think it should have been left ambiguous whether that Deckard is an android or not. I think I've heard that the new sequel makes that question moot :(

  2. Have you seen the ten minute "bridge" anime, Black Out 2022?

  3. I'd stay out of the turtle area, too.

  4. Lost like tears in the rain ...

    Ou sont les neiges d'entin? (Where are the snows of yesteryear?)

    Fresh snow at sunset
    Trees glistening quietly
    In pink and copper tones.

    Snow covered branches
    Thaw, then turn to crystal lace
    Gleaming in sun light.

    Melting on the ground
    As snow deserts the branches
    Black twigs claw the sky.

    ~ Efté

  5. I hope this is the last
    We'll hear of it this year.
    Though melted now, I fear
    ‘Tis driven into ground.

    We've seen and heard so much
    About these frozen veils
    That now the subject fails
    With meaning to redound.

    The end seems near at last,
    So then what must we do?
    Is conversation through?
    Could topics new be found?

    A metaphor for Time
    It symbolizes Passing
    Of all the years amassing
    Behind us without sound.

    For we too like the snow
    Have been and done our best––
    Or worst––and soon must rest
    Then blend into the ground.

    ~ FreeThinke

  6. Life passes at 24 frames per second. Once you've discerned the plot, must we all stay for the ending?

    Jean Luc Godard — ‘The cinema is truth 24 frames-per-second’
