Thursday, February 15, 2018

#MeToo - Yearning for the 50's?

"Stop Harassing Me w/Your Sexist Phone Calls, Woody!"
Changing Mores

The gap separating the ’68 sexual liberation from today’s struggle for sexual emancipation is clearly discernible in a recent polemical exchange between Germaine Greer and some feminists who critically reacted to her negative remarks concerning #MeToo. Their main point was how, while Greer’s main thesis – that women should sexually liberate themselves from male domination and assume active sexual lives without any recourse to victimhood – was valid in the sexual-liberation movement of the 1960s, today the situation is different.

And what has happened, in between, is that the sexual emancipation of women (i.e. their ability to freely assume a social life as active sexual) was itself commodified. While it’s true to say women are no longer perceived as passive objects of male desire, it’s also the case that their active sexuality itself now equates (in male eyes) to their permanent availability and readiness to engage in sexual interaction.

In these new circumstances, forcefully saying NO isn’t considered mere self-victimization since it implies the rejection of this new form of sexual subjectivization of women, and demands women not only passively submit to male sexual domination but act as if they actively want it.
-Slavoj Zizek, Sex and '68: Liberal Movement Revolutionized 'Sexuality,' but at What Cost?"


  1. Germaine Greer! –– WOW! I'm frankly astonished to learn she is still alive –– awakened to the ugliness and fallacious absurdity of the Women's Movement soon after she finally experienced her first orgasm with a REAL man.

    Greer was an attractive Australian woman, deemed a "public intellectual" in the SICK-sties who stopped
    being a FEMINAZI and became a WOMAN quite early in the game.

    I imagine her "defection" from the most odious aspects of the FEMINAZI movement had as much to do with her Anglo-ethnic roots as anything else. The other doyennes of what-is-called Second Wave Feminism were all Jew bitches of tthe first water. Nothing the least bit "feminine" about "strong" Jewish women!

    Think Betty Friedan, Bella bzug, Gloria Steinem and Gloria Allred, and you should know EXACTLY what i mean.

    Greer married a handsome white "ladykiller" name Paul du Feu who left her after a few years for –––––– MAYA ANGELOU! (:-c

    So, the liberal lunacy has never strayedvery far from Germiane Greer's life, I guess. She lives in Britain where she has taught LITERATURE at minor univesities most of her life.

    I'd love to have taken a course with her. It could only be then that I might know what she is REALLY like.

  2. Thanks for the synopsis on Germaine Greer. It puts these remarks of Zizek into context.
