Saturday, February 3, 2018

They've Blinded Me with SCIENCE!


  1. A person of too broad a range

    Who advocates unthinking change

    Fails to discriminate
Between first and second-rate

    Thus proving his mind's got the mange.

  2. This is what happens when we rely solely on Matter, abd Scientific Objectivity, while denying the very existence of Spirit.

    _______ Alvin Toffler Revisited ______

    I used to look on change with dread ––
    No more. Thank God I’ll soon be dead.
    Orwell told what to expect:
    By too much “progress” we’ll be wrecked.
    By rendering ourselves redundant
    Life will cease to be abundant.
    Before our congresscurs have blinked
    We will make ourselves extinct!

    ~ Anne Athema 

  3. Our high school cafeteria
Gives solace to bacteria.

    Staph infections propagate
On virtually every plate.

    The place provides a great domain

    For toxins known to cause ptomaine

    Cold and flu germs fill the air

    Waiting to pounce everywhere

    And we have much great cause to fear
A-mo-e-bic diarrhea.

    ~ Father Time


  4. Vivaciously vicious Ebola
    Lurks in cola, and on your Victrola
    or someone’s lapel.
    You never can tell
    Where she’ll hit you just like Gay Enola!

    ~ LimeRickey

  5. How Science has Effected Man

    Holding the Reins
    Just because you can
Doesn't mean you should,
But once within your grasp

    The Reins you tightly clasp
Make you think you're The Strong Man,

    And after that you'll do
Only what makes YOU 
Feel good.

    ~ Gesso


  6. Arcturus his other name,—
    I ’d rather call him Star!
    It ’s so unkind of Science
    To go and interfere!

    I pull a flower from the woods,—
    A monster with a glass
    Computes the stamens in a breath,
    And has her in a class.

    Whereas I took the butterfly
    Aforetime in my hat,
    He sits erect in cabinets,
    The clover-bells forgot.

    What once was heaven, is zenith now.
    Where I proposed to go
    When time’s brief masquerade was done,
    Is mapped, and charted too!

    What if the poles should frisk about
    And stand upon their heads!
    I hope I’m ready for the worst,
    Whatever prank betides!
    Perhaps the kingdom of Heaven’s changed!
    I hope the children there
    Won’t be new-fashioned when I come,
    And laugh at me, and stare!
    I hope the Father in the skies
    Will lift his little girl,—
    Old-fashioned, naughty, everything,—
    Over the Stile of Pearl!

    ~ Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)

  7. SCIENCE unguided and untempered by a highly developed CHRISTIAN CONSCIENCE is like a LOADED REVOLVER in the hands of a TWO YEAR OLD.

    ~ J. Erwin Solomon

  8. __________ An Ironic Truth __________

    Cawing, yapping, droning everywhere,
    Enrapt with Unreality they're blind.
    Looking blankly into space they grind
    Loose lips ludicrously in mid air.

    Packets clasped to ears their elbows bend,
    Holding haplessly to each connection ––
    Oblivious to tangible affection.
    Nothing could this misdirection end,
    Except the advent of a cataclysm ––

    Annihilating new ways warped and curled ––
    Built denying truths the catechism
    Used to keep our wayward notions furled ––
    Stifling acts and impulses towards schism ––
    Enabling more delight in Nature's world.

    ~ FreeThinke
