Thursday, May 31, 2018

Usurping Populism

Rules for Spotting the "Globalist Approved" Populist Leader:

Rule #1: If someone isn't openly socially conservative, then they aren't really conservative.

Rule #2: If a person does nothing to truly advance conservative or right-wing politics there's no reason to trust them.

(FJ Rule #2a: If a person isn't proposing steps to disrupt and replace the economic status quo by rolling back economic globalism, he's likely a NEO-conservative globalist.)

Rule #3: If it looks like someone isn't taking any real risks when speaking out, their motives should be questioned.
They stole the Radical Paris Spring of '68. You can bet they'll usurp today's populism as well. As Jacques Lacan told the '68 radicals, "Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss."
The speech police – they criticize what I said
The speech police – they stuck a knee in my head
The speech police – they're coming to correct me – oh no!

You know that talk is cheap
But in truth there's a price
And though it's called free speech
I don't think they'll provide – the right the right

'Cause they're way too PC for losers like me
Every single right they'll try to re-explain
And then assign my blame

The speech police – they redefine what I meant
(Redefine what I meant)
The speech police – as something mean and violent
(Something mean and violent)
The speech police – they're coming to correct me – oh no!

Well, I'm scandalized
For my Christian beliefs
And then they call for peace
Blame their violence on me
Yeah, right – denied!

'Cause they hate to believe the Book that I read
Every single line they'll try to re-explain
And vilify my name

I try to speak, they lie in wait, then moan at me and groan
It doesn't pay to take the bait and so I just leave 'em alone
In spite of me, they try to find a quote and read it wrong
They curse the truth we share and rush in fury on the Lord
Ha ha ha -- ha ha ha -- ha ha ha

Yes, Isaiah agrees – just look and you'll see
In Isaiah 5 – verse 5:20 is plain
So let it guide my way

The speech police – they live to silence the rest
(Live to silence the rest)
The speech police – they want the freedom oppressed
(Want the freedom oppressed)
The speech police – they're coming to correct me
The speech police (police, police)
The speech police (police, police)
The speech police (police, police)
The speech police (police, police)
The speech police (police, police)
The speech police (police, police)


  1. And here I was thinking Roseanne Barr could grab her crotch while screeching the national anthem as long as she doesn't kneel.

  2. Anyway, rule #1 should read "If someone spent more than 0.34 second weighing the option to vote for Trump and didn't decide against it they probably shouldn't try to define conservatism and should contact the Kremlin for further instructions."

  3. "...or support a real anti-globalist like Bernie Sanders in 2020."

  4. Where there's no sense, there's no feeling, and vice versa.

    "Vanity of vanities, all is vanity."

    And so it is, has been since time immemorial, and evermore shall be.

  5. All populist movement in history ever have been inherently left-wing.

    Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.

  6. App bappa ganny fanny flapdoddle doo
    Used up sno rags are not for you
    Or me or any bumptious swell
    Ding dong ding dong pussy's in the well!

  7. Of course it is, FJ. As is the welfare statism perpetuating it.

  8. Donald Trump's welfare state is yoooooge, buhleeve muh.

  9. We're gonna take care of the uncompetitive low skill losers. Tremendous!

  10. Speaking of hijacked, look at you using neocon as a pejorative just like Rachel Maddow taght you ;)

  11. Stupidity is protesting the WTO. Want to really get rid of it? Start a Trade War!

  12. Just need a state that agrees with the commies...

  13. It's only possible with Deep State/Neocon/NeverTrump collaboration. :)

  14. Nah. Financing the Democrat patronage and spoils system for decades and marrying a Commie will do.

  15. Denying Trump is lifelong Communist dead set on destroying the American way of life is some serious crack smoking maskirovka.

  16. There is no "Deep State" other than the one Trump's favored candidates over the last 30 years out in place.

  17. Trump voters (aka far left America hating traitors) are really dumb.

  18. Trump changed parties and stopped being a far left idiot huh huh

  19. Trump voters did more to turn around the country than anyone since Reagan. And even Reagan wasn't brave enough to take on the Blue Neoliberal Economic model. He gained support by doubling down on a bad deal for America.

  20. Reagan was the last Democrat out of that party before they went all in on trying to destroy America in 1962 and since. Even then Reagan 20 years later retained his Democrat soft spot for communism (talking to Gorbachev insteaf of nuking Moscow) and let's not forget the debts Reagan created with welfare spending. Reagan was at best a tolerable, yet still noxious far left New Deal liberal. Trump is much worse than that, as a member of the Czechoslavakian Communist Party since 1976 and a Maoist. At least Reagan never launched branded products from Chinese labor camps.

    Fuck both commies.

  21. Now Trump is begging Kim il Un to let him sit down with him and figure out how much money America should pay him not to nuke the liberals in San Francisco off the face of the Earth.

    Fuck Trump. God damn leftist.
