Sunday, August 26, 2018

Difference and Repetition

Variations upon Identity

from Wikipedia
Deleuze uses the preface to relate the work to other texts. He describes his philosophical motivation as "a generalized anti-Hegelianism" and notes that the forces of difference and repetition can serve as conceptual substitutes for identity and negation in Hegel. The importance of this terminological change is that difference and repetition are both positive forces with unpredictable effects. Deleuze suggests that, unlike Hegel, he creates concepts out of a joyful and creative logic that resists the dualism of dialectic: "I make, remake and unmake my concepts along a moving horizon, from an always decentered centre, from an always displaced periphery which repeats and differentiates them."


  1. MY brain has gotten hooked on a "hit" song since Heartaches and The Rich Maharajah of Magador.

  2. Nog at all. I'm just happy as a lark to be"hooked" on BEETHOVEN.

    Since 1955 Pop Music has for silly children, teens with raging hormones, mental defectives, cases of arrested development, –– and TODAY –– primarly for Brainwashed Crypto-Marxists, Aesthetic Zombies, Misfits and Anti-Social Thugs.
