Friday, October 5, 2018

From the Back of the Rack...

Walk in silence
Don't walk away, in silence.
See the danger
Always danger
Endless talking
Life rebuilding
Don't walk away.
Walk in silence
Don't turn away, in silence.
Your confusion
My illusion
Worn like a mask of self-hate
Confronts and then dies.
Don't walk away.
People like you find it easy
Naked to see
Walking on air.
Hunting by the rivers
Through the streets
Every corner abandoned too soon
Set down with due care.
Don't walk away in silence
Don't walk away.
Joy Division, "Chance" (precurser to Atmosphere)



    BRETT KAVANAUDH nomination hais now been officially CONFIRMED. HE WILL TAKE HIS SEAT on the SUPREME COURT next TUESDAY


    The strife is o'er the battle done
    Now is the Victor's triumph won.

    But we STILL have an ELECTION to WIN, so this is no time to rest on our laurels. The last two weeks have revealed the true nature of the DemonRats, They are SAVAGE, FERAL, HYSTERICAL, RUTHLESS, BARBARIC, deeply DISHONEST, HYPOCRITICAL in the extreme, thoroughly CORRUPT and VICIOUS.

    It's entirely possible they may also be clinically INSANE.

    THEREFORE, we MUST prepare to do BATTLE and meet their every thrust with every BIT of RESISTANCE we can MUSTER.

    In short:

    Either we FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE or we LOSE the precious REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLIC our Founders gave us to the Forces of Darkness.

    So let us be grateful for today's victory, and CONTINUE to PRAISE the LORD by all means, but keep on PASSING the AMMUNITION till the dirty bastards and screaming bitches are totally VANQUISHED.

    SO, it's either MAGA! MAGA! MAGA! till early NOVEMER, or Chrstmas on the Ash Heap of History in December and a New Year filled with misery and incalculable loss.

  2. WHY? WHy this constant celebration of UNCOUTH, COMMON, DEPRESSING UGLINESS in the ghastly NON-MUSIC of our age?

  3. Not everything in life is joy and light. And if you believe it is, and then experience something different, then you're SURE to be greatly disappointed (if not devastated).
