Friday, October 19, 2018

Slaves in the Devil's Eyes....


  1. A fellow named Sigmund Freud
    Whose opinions cannot be enjeud
    Said, "I've found, I confess
    "Mankind's mind is a mess
    "And would bebetter off unempleud!

    ~ O. Ridgenall

  2. The phenomenon called Rock 'n Roll
    Is anything but droll.
    It is vulgar and loud.
    That it's captured the Crowd
    Rings Civilization's Death Toll.

    ~ O. Ridgenall

  3. Yes,FJ, but I learned to respect this adage long ago:

    "RESIST the DEVIL, and HE WILL FLEE from YOU."

    Half the battle, of course, is being prepared to recogize the Demon when he appears in oine of his myriad guises –– most of them falsely appealing and highly seductive.

  4. "... I once was lost,
    But now I'm found
    Was blind,
    But now I see."

    ~ John Newton (1725-1807)

  5. Bat do you have the password for the house?
